Homesick: The Making of a Supervillain

A few points, which individually are somewhat sad, but together are a recipe for MAAAAADNESS!

1. A deep longing to return home.
2. A genius intellect.
3. An absence/loss of spirituality.
4. Living amongst a society that literally and figuratively overlooks you.
5. A government that will not return to you what is yours.
6. A will.
7. And a way.

I’m not talking about a crazed, anti-government, sociopath here… no, in this case, I’m referring to GNOMES! And in this case, the making of a supervillain…

***The end, right after the magazine cover, was supposed to be epic. for realz. but i started running out of room on my hard drive and was too lazy/impatient to wait until i freed up some space… so I took a cheap way out. haha SOMEWHAT anti-climactic… but just imagine how many disenfranchised gnomes would look to this guy as inspirational. thats right. you just reached gnome alert level 5. good day, sir.

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