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22 thoughts on “How To Out Smart A Narcissist: 2 Great Tricks

  1. The table is wood with 6 high-back chairs. The ladder is a step ladder leaning against the wall near the window. The vase is clear glass with a bouquet. The horse is just standing there. The tornado flips the table and chairs, the vase breaks while the flowers are scattered, the ladder is knocked down, and the horse withstands the wind.

  2. Cant get a narcissist to listen long enough..they know its a trap.

  3. The devil in I sounds like a good book to read.

  4. They are Trojan horses.

  5. I would not recommend fighting fire with fire. I did that for five years to cope and it ended terribly and I was the one who got hurt the most. I would just never speak to this said narcissist again.

  6. Be VERY careful in engaging this strategy; never project fair play onto one of these disordered individuals…coz that's not going to happen and you find you've been poisoned before you die from it, or you may never even realize it as you lay in your hospital bed with all of your major internal organs shutting down…

  7. Heard this analogy as a cube in a dessert, ladder in relation to the cube, flowers in relation to the cube, horse & sky

  8. my table was in the middle of the room, it had a wooden top and round metal legs. it was a strong and solid and functional table but i didn't like it, it was just too modern and ugly, my vase was on the table, not in the middle but over to one side, it had no flowers in it. My ladder was tall enough to reach the ceiling and was on the wall that the door was on. My horse was a Clydesdale / drought horse and it was outside in a green paddock, i could only see it through the window, it wasn't affected by the hurricane because the hurricane was in the room not outside. only the ladder fell over but it didn't get damaged, the vase was metal so it also didn't get damaged it only fell over. the table didn't move. What does that say about me?

  9. why a horse? horses dont belong in a house.
    maybe change the story to a house pet?

  10. The imagery you described is very effective. Thanks for the shared tips on strategies in dealing with narcissistic personalities. I would like to read 'the Devil. And I" . Sounds like an excellent read. Exposing them can be downright dangerous I have learned but there is a way to evade them yet still interact with them when you need to. We can not all go no contact, unfortunately. I am subscribing to your channel.

  11. The horse is eating your nuts . . . and this is a transparent way to 'try' to sell your book!

  12. simple dark wood
    ladder is at the table (ok, that's weird)
    crystal vase with bouquet flowers
    horse is outside looking through the window which is open
    room is destroyed

  13. Mine was the latter is silver against the wall leaning, the table is of ash brown wood oak that is in the middle with an empty vase, and my horse was against the wall just being a horse, waving it's tail wondering why it's there. When the hurricane came in….The table broke and so did the vase and the horse was impaled by the latter.

  14. I Imagine a square , small red wooden table in the middle of the room, the vase is on top. A ladder is nearby leaned against the wall. The horse is outside, you can see it through the window.

  15. Elegant simple large table in center
    Vase on table with many many peonies
    Ladder propped up on table. Large wooden
    Horse is large white Arabian galloping around table

    Hurricane flows around horse and vase and flowers are unchanged. Ladder is dislodged. Horse keeps galloping around table and main and tail are wild. Flowers flow but are not dislodged. Hurricane makes everything beautiful and wild

    Do tell what ya'll think

  16. 20x20x20 solid white room. 6 foot round solid oak table in the center of the room. to my left is an extension ladder 12 ft tall. Empty vase hovering just above the table. Horse standing on the ceiling close to the center of the room. Hurricane effects nothing in the room but i feel the wind and rain.

  17. I pictured the big wooden circle table in the middle of the room with a glass vase in the middle of the room with a big red rose in that vase. the the ladder was straight up and down wooden proper up and the house was just standing beside the table. and when you said hurricane I immediately envisioned a dark swirly vortex covering the whole ceiling. please tell me what all that means!!

  18. Brown and big table, ladder is metal leading on the table verse is on the table with bunch of flowers , horse is far and saying still the hurricane is far and doesn't effect the other thing

  19. do not do what this guy is saying… why? bc you aren't sadistic like the narc, you just don't think that way, not innately anyway. But the narc does INSTINCTIVELY. Point? Use this experience to really learn abt what narcissism is. Why? To better avoid it ALTOGETHER next time. Cuz narcs are too dangerous for your heart. Because you deserve it. And it starts with self-care… Meanwhile, don't go 'exposing' your Narc's narcissism. There are other protective strategies (until you can detach – no contact at all, ideally), but learn more abt what you're actually dealing with first. You should be 'on guard' around this person, to protect your heart. Absolutely. Keep learning abt narcissism. Knowledge is way forward… and self-compassion. It wasn't your fault. And, now you've got to learn whatever's possible to prompt your own rebirth. Your BEST REVENGE will be to hold on to your sense of humor and start building a sense of outrage, no doubt. But after that, if you're self-honest (which the narc isn't…), you'll kindly and caringly create the life you've always wanted. Remember reading in school about the ancient Greeks? Their highest goal in life was to 'know thyself'. And they were right. Learn so you can save one other poor soul from what you've experienced. Self-care and self-compassion… these are key places to start. Learn how loving people take care of themselves. Support groups help too. The strong are the ones who reach out, truly. And you are enough, btw… just as you are. Why else do you think the emotional vampire kept sucking up all your emotional good! Protect your inner child. That's your most important job, period. Learn how to do that. Cuz it's your job, love. Chin up. It gets better. Truly.

  20. I saw everything in a living room in a house I once lived in.   My table was a large oval, highly polished black wood or maybe obsidian.  The steps were ornately carved dark wooden library steps, and they were next to a floor to ceiling alcove bookshelf near the window to the back garden.  They were good for their purpose of being able to reach down any book from the shelf.  The vase was shiny black glassy, like obsidian, and had one single red tulip; it sat on the table.  The horse was a beautiful white horse, sort of supernatural and a bit surreal standing there in the living room near the table.  The hurricane only smashed the vase, everything else was unaffected.

  21. thanks for the information how to outsmart a narcissist….theyre conning, dramatic actress and actors, they played the victim all the time…they love to cause trouble to you so you will get a hard time at work..they make sure you suffer…they spread talcum powder on the floor, they put the wheelchair in the fire door, they move wheelchairs away, they put urine on the floor and left it overnight unmopped so the area will smell with strong urine to give you a hard time cleaning it..they love you to suffer all the time thru their revenge…

  22. I visualised a grand oak table In the middle of a spacious room.
    A tall metal ladder – (close to the table.
    An empty glass vase tinted green by the window. (I am prone to thinking that all my friends are jealous of me, so that's interesting)
    A brown horse in a field (not in the room) still and sideways.
    The hurricane in the room ( also close to the table) but didn't destroy anything.

    I'm actually impressed by this game. This is a correct representation of my life right now.

    btw I suspect myself to be a covert narcissist.

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