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  1. The trouble is the narcos usually have the boss and the colleagues on their side. If you are only dealing with a narc by themselves it is easy to make them back off because they are cowards. but it is a rare situation that they are working alone. they employ mobbing as a technique to get to their targets and you end up outnumbered. very distressing situation. just leave and recover. Learn from it . Don't let them steal your light. they were jealous of it to begin with. that's something to always hold onto.

  2. wow! cant wait to try!!!

  3. Thank you for your advice, Sacha!

  4. From what I can gather is predators don't generally prey on other predators.
    Your technique is broadcasting that you are a bigger predator than they are.
    Good tool to have.
    Thanks Sacha.

  5. just be better than them. that's all. then they get depressed and realize they're just losers. good people don't treat others that way. people don't like bad things because they're ugly, rotten, stupid, useless, etc etc etc. so someone that is disrespectful toward others is bad therefore ugly, rotten, stupid, useless etc etc etc so let them know it. why should it get to you? what do they know? they're idiots.

  6. Sacha u r the very very best

  7. Just assertive and then make them Invisible! It worked for me :))

  8. Why not using "making them invisible" technique :))

  9. Great videos. I don't know why I started videos about Narcissists, but I did. I know there is something wrong with me, I know my childhood was messed up, and I know that I attract abusive people like a magnet – but I am not sure if I was actually abused. Could you do a video about what constitutes parental narcissistic abuse, please?

  10. I did this with a person who was hiding behind a bush ready to pounce on me at night once. I could see him there and knew before hand that there was someone waiting for me, as I heard someone make a bird call to someone else when I was walking home one night.
    I walked into a house that had lights on and tried to pretend I lived there and my key was jammed and banged on the door and no one answered. I turned around and the guy was standing there…he knew I'd seen him so he came out and faced me and we had this stare off that went on for about 30 seconds. I showed no fear and just looked him in the eye and was very quiet, and eventually he ran off down the alley and I heard him get into a car and drive off…and I bolted home after that, but it was totally instinctual to do this at the time. It's interesting how well it works.

  11. Well, after viewing this great video and reading all the comments I realize I have been doing things all wrong all of my life. Not too late to change.

  12. +Sacha Slone I really would love a video on their music tastes. I, being an empath, can tell a lot by people by what they choose to listen to and I knew from the beginning an ex narc's music tastes were a red flag. I hate to say this so boldly because I always doubt if I'm being silly, but his music was always woe is me…bob Dylan is a favorite. Where the singer is basically dogging every other person. They love sad, depressing music. Not that I don't when I'm sad, it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone but they almost get a high off it. Also tho…ur music as the is BS and shallow. And then sometimes Ive found they don't even like music as music is a source of healing. What's ur thoughts?? Vid plz!! It's a great topic I think would help many

  13. I find it also helps to visualize them as the child they once were while looking at them. Not with sympathy for who they are now (i.e. no sympathy for their decision to become an abuser), but with empathy for that sad abandoned child in them, as which they started on this path. It drives them absolutely crazy because this is exactly what they're desperately hiding all the time: their vulnerability. An attack, they can live with. Stonewalling or grey rock, they don't like but it doesn't trigger them. But looking right through all of their bullshit into the eyes of the abandoned child, that's their kryptonite.

    Always keep in mind that narcs are essentially failed C-PTSD sufferers who are too weak to consciously confront their trauma.

  14. Another similar technique is to stare them between the eyes- right in the 'third' eye point. It's a little less hard to pull off but very effective and kind of 'nails' them :)

  15. This ties in with Scott Bassett's recent video (understanding narcissism channel) about when two narcissists get together. He basically says they don't. They instantly recognise eachother, and steer clear of eachother, sort of like a mutual respect. So by doing these narc behaviours back at them (whether the stare, the ignoring, whatever) you are sending them the message that you are a narc too, so they will leave you alone. If they are the wolf in sheep's clothing, then you are the sheep in wolf's clothing.

  16. I'll be honest – I enjoy faux-folding with Narcs., as part of my strategies – I like to bait them in by feigning weakness.. (ha). Definitively, not for everyone…

    You (Sacha) are good at explaining the caveats and the responsibilities of your explanations/strategies! Way to Go!

  17. Oh yes, you have to know your Narcissist … night

  18. show your boundaries … it works !

  19. the wolf in sheep skin will back down to a real wolf …. lookout Narcissist

  20. Awesome advice as usual, a confident and really positive person like yourself, brings those qualities out in other people. Your Great, Best Wishes Andy

  21. I told my manager to stop traiangulating yesterday, there is bound to be repercussions from her narc injury but I am not tolerating any of the numerous narc behaviors anymore. They can sack me if they want, the Health system is run by narcs it's outrageous. Fawning to them all the time is soul distroying and tiring.

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