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27 thoughts on “Narcissism Abuse THE DEMONIC FACIAL EXPRESSION recognizing NPD

  1. My ex husband has an NPD, and there is such a look in his face where in i see no soul.. He is soul less

  2. Here is a list of what they usually do to their targets :

    – Insults their target very often. Then lie when confronted about it, or say it was a joke.
    – When confronted with their behavior, they pretend to be innocent and play the victim.
    – Everything is always your fault, even when it's obviously not.
    – They always have a justification for every bad thing they do. They think they're always right.
    – Very controlling, they tell you how to live, but they can live anyway they want. Very hypocritical.
    – They accuse you of what they're doing to you (RED FLAG!), it's called Projection.
    – Portraying themselves as angels outside, when they are actually demons with their family and especially their target.
    – They want you to fail, while pretending to want you to succeed (they're very convincing).
    – They never say they are sorry for hurting you (RED FLAG!).
    – Poison your favorite activities, they don't want you to be happy or to get pleasure. They also poison other useful activities like important skills which will help you in the future. They DO NOT want you to have skills, they want you to be as weak as possible. They don't teach you anything.
    – Subtly lead a smear campaign against their target, so they isolate it and make sure they don't get help.
    – When you want to leave the relationship with a narcissist, they beg you to stay with them and cry crocodile tears. They are the best actors.
    – Sometimes nice, sometimes cruel. You never know where you stand with them.
    – They pretend to be "victims", and they blame the target for their own behavior.
    – They are incredibly arrogant and sadistic. They see the target as weak, and deserving to suffer.
    – They think they are models to be followed.
    – They are spiritually dead although they might loudly profess some kind of Spiritual Belief.

  3. Just now I got the look from my NPD mother. It's not the rage look as you explained but more of like a jealousy stare which I find it's kind of creepy. A blend of sharp+jealousy+demonic stare. Seriously creepy. I know this look comes from the envy heart. I lost weight recently and looks good now. I know she is jealous. Her too sweet stevia words cannot conceal her demonic heart. I never trust what she says these days. I ignore her. This is what we should do to the NPD people.

  4. I left my ex narcissist six months ago when I went back to days to get my things he was crying and shaking of course this is crocodile tars. He said,"you brought a soul into this house now the soul is gone!" I thought that was strange to even to word things like that but he was right he knew he was souless. At one point as well throw in a relationship I always had the feeling that he was possessed by something for the whole six years I had thoughts of this from time to time even when he was not even doing anything mean or vengeful it was just a feeling I had. And at one point I could see his eyes rolling around different in his head he would do things with his eyes it was very strange that may no sense wasn't like he was trying to actually show me some kind of tricky can do with his eyes sometimes it would just be sitting there and I would see his eyes when you are close his lids and then that he would do the strange rolling around thing with this I was just bizarre.

  5. I am a full fledged dark tetrad psychopath, I have that look on me for any form of discomfort..I work and yes my co workers tend to stay out of my way.. I have no temper and I am not a balloon headed narc but I know how to get what I want..

  6. All my life I would tell my friends about how my father had the "look" that only fathers could get when I was in trouble for something , but now I know that " look " is not a look that all fathers get , it's a look that narc fathers get.
    Looking back at my life growing up , I lived with two animals , my narc fathe and GC narc brother.
    They were not human.

  7. The objective of the demonic complex of Narcissism is not only to impact those who the narcissist have any influence over but to destroy the soul of the narcissist and cause them to be cast into hell. 40 years ago I did want to believe the Bible but Global Politics and the world events kept confirming Bible prophecy. I renewed my commitment to Jesus and second time then and twice more since then as well. (I have made progress in overcoming sin with God's help.)

    To have a stable mind you need faint in Jesus (by getting saved) to be continually increasing. You also need knowledge of the Word "but mainly obedience to what , Jesus, in the new testament says."

    Not being able to reason with my narcissist, choosing divorce seemed to best option to maintain my survival and freedom.

  8. My mistake upon seeing that look was not firmly calling upon the name of "Jesus" . When would see it, rather than being amazed by seeing actual "demonic overshadowing", I should have responded more like a true believer in Christ. When a person is traumatized the best option is pray, studying the scriptures and learning from a true man of God like Zac Poonen here on YouTube. This is just another type of Demonic Stronghold. Different types have different characteristics. The real problem is finding a deliverance ministry. I was lead to seek a divorce, not have the spiritual help we needed. Also the Courts and the law compound the problem because they take the woman's side and believe her lies.

  9. Describes Crooked Hillary, the demon.

  10. please, dear man get your children away from that woman, please please find a way. i was raised by one of them and the things she probably did to you, a powerful adult with the actual right to walk away any time are so little. you can get a clue though to what they do to little children, blessed kind little souls with no way of saving themselves. i got almost killed by a woman like that when i was 6, death felt almost good, that numbing of the senses, that feeling that i would be free of her but the only thing i could think of was that i didnt want to die staring into that face, oh that face. i feel so sorry for her now but the mess they make out of a developing human being… the mess that face makes as a part of your childhood memories… my dad was right there and after some halfhearted fights that only ended up in more cruelty against me he just sat on the couch and didnt move a mousle like a trained dog. years later when i was trying to get away she actually convinced her dog i was crazy so they could abuse me together into health: the state of a trained dog. in those eyes there was nothing. nothing. like a corpse. a raging corpse. so sad really… people living without souls… and oh the kids, how they make them suffer, those poor blessed little souls. how they beat the life out of them. you can't possibly imagine

  11. I have been married to a narcissist for 6 years. I went into total suicidal depression because of the abuse I endured from him about 7 months ago. He would give me the devil look all the time. He also traumatized me I didn't know he had extreme NPD until about 5 months ago. I knew he was mentally ill but I didn't know it was a severe personality disorder. The messages came from God. Jesus saw my pain and my descent into pure chaos and he lifted me up and brought me to the understanding that I was dealing with a psychopath. I have since separated and filing for divorce my health depends on getting out of this relationship. I would cringe with fear when I would see him towards the end of my relationship. He still won't leave me alone cause he knows he can get his fuel from me. It's like he had begun to posses me like a demon. He has left much psychological trauma which will take years to work through as I endured his abuse for 10 years. Anyone going through this don't wait get out quick!

  12. My STBX did that to me, it is really scary- I had to do the st. Micheal prayer in my heart.

  13. Thank you for this! I had a longtime friend who seemed borderline, but I think she was mostly a narcissist. I swear she tried to control me with her facial expressions. Constantly pursing her lips, tsking, sighing, sometimes escalating to glaring, clenching of teeth and dilated pupils. Stay in your power Christopher. Don't let her bait you. It's a control thing. They know it scares people. My narc dad would give me the glare and the smirk if I was in any kind of distress, the only attention I got, so I was primed for more Cluster Bs because I thought it was me. If I only behaved the right way I could get approval.

  14. Many people are C-PTSD which is complex post traumatic stress disorder. I suffer from that too as do many scapegoats. It's good that you're in recovery and have some education about this disorder. I have to warn you that your ex may try to put seeds in your children's heads and make them turn on you later on. I come from a family of narcs and these people will turn kids against a parent. After they've succeeded they'll turn the kids against each other. If I were you I'd be very diligent now. The younger they are the easier it is to manipulate with false stories about you and why you guys didn't work out. I'm the scapegoat of my family. When my parents divorced in 2007 they used me and my brother as leverage to get back at the other. Then they divorced and my mother did something called triangulation and ruined the relationship between me and my brother. Whenever you deal with her regarding children you have to have things in writing, record conversations, and keep receipts. It's a possibility that she will try to make up a story and make you kids believe it to go to court and give her sole custody. Any interaction with my narc mother is recorded and dated. Be aware so if she does pull something that you have proof. Please be careful because so many narc parents do this.

  15. I truly believe everything you said. My parents were both malignant narcs. My mother 2 years ago gave me a look that was so evil that I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me. I didn't believe in energy and bad spirits until I started to really examine what was going on. These people put on an aura that is very negative. It's so negative it will make you physically, emotionally, and even mentally sick. You know you are in the presence of a narcissist when you want to commit suicide. That is the biggest red flag. You're lucky you realized this right away. I'm 24 and I'm just now getting this. I applied to go to school across the country so when I finally cut ties with her it would be for good. These people are evil.

  16. they are very vengeful people as well. they are very bitchy and stupid in their own world. they are really a waste of time

  17. Hey there! Hello from Edmonton! Thanks for the good talk. Recently I discovered the REAL face of my future ex! Going through divorce currently and i'm happy!Happy like never before! Holy crap!! I thought its only my experience to see that evil face in front of me. Thanks again! Going to get rid of this guy as soon as I can.

  18. you can learn to mess with them, get a warrior mindset, study the vamp closley, learn what the respond too and watch her squirm. You will go through a lot of mental pain at first, but the rewards of dominating them once you master them can be amazing… Get a couple of recorders to covertly document what they say and their behavior.

    Now I'm writing a book myself to share with others on how too survive, and thrive in an NPD relationship, I'm still leaving Jezebel, but not until I get my material out of her…

  19. I was thinking of the teeth,right before you mentioned it.
    That I got you smile,then you react and it's like they are biting down and grinding their teeth.
    I was beaten in able to fight back,because my ex was a great actress if I would have fought back she would have me jailed.
    She would bite as well ,some times she would haul off and punch me in the jaw knocking me down,at that time I weighed 300 pounds.
    They lie,cheat,steal and will turn your children against you and anyone else they can.
    no contact and do not speak against her with the kids.
    let them see her lies by not partisapating in the game.

  20. will NEVER forget the DEVIL look/stare he gave me the very time I tried to question his lies!!!!! it only got more and more scary. i would start to think that it was all in my head and there was no way someone that used to be SO charming and caring could turn into the evilest most demonic "human" being I've ever seen. I am fully convinced he is an empty shell that just has a host of evil entities attached to him. NO SOUL! which is why they are so soul sucking

  21. you described the folks I am thinking of to the T. I been having panic and anxiety attacks and have dealt w narcissists all my life. only thing that's helped me in my healing process is meditation. hope u can find healing as well. weird kuz u mentioned pstd and I looked that up several months ago because I felt I have that … oh gosh this is so draining. it takes so much to escape. they begin to make u believe what they say. but, no, we are so much more!sending love and light <3

  22. Oh yes, they do have a look…the most disturbing to me is the predatory stare. They lock in on you and stare, and stare and stare…and stalk…and then go in for the "kill" when they've souped themselves up sufficiently. It's the silence and tension in the air beforehand. You know it's building up, you know it's coming. My mother was very skilled at psycho terror. Her mask of sanity slipped as soon as she was alone with me. They hate empathy, kindness, honesty, love, happiness …they want to destroy it in you. Nothing they hate more than seeing in others what they know they'll never be or feel. Hate, envy and greed is what drives them. They are meat machines. They're not human.

  23. my adoptive mother had that same look. I always said it was the closed I'd ever come to seeing evil. Partners with NPD say the same things the world over…"you get me, you understand me, no one else understands me like you do". then their comments become "you show no respect for me" and then come the put downs and emotional battering.

    I honestly believe these people are demon possessed. it's as though they all go to the same school to learn the same tricks and dialogue.

  24. What activates their MANIAC RAGING ANGER? It comes out of nowhere. Something as small as "What color is the carpet?" can ignite their rage.
    Then sometimes it is about money. When the demons are active there is no reasoning.

  25. Yes, their demonic facial expression. The males look like The HULK when HULK is fully enraged. except instead of green, they are red.

  26. Thank you Babylonisfallen

  27. I've seen that look on my narc mom to be honest I hate when she do it an my old friend who has npd always smile when he see me like he happy when I'm hurt or not doing to well hugh the lakes a fire will be waiting for them even the devil know scripture

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