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6 thoughts on “Narcissism Awareness: First Date with the Malignant Narcissist

  1. Great story teller. You had a captive audience. Makes you want to know what happened next….

  2. I learned there's a difference between finding people easy to talk to , and finding people easy to talk with.

  3. Welcome to the beginning of the journey back to your true self. You've recognised your soul rape by your mother. Your little girl inside has been jumping up and down trying to get your attention for such a long time, and she's OVERJOYED that you'll be meeting her finally and giving her the love and respect she so desperately needed from her parents.

  4. I suppose you know Pete Walker's book on complex PTSD? It's great. And Alice Miller's books are game-changers. Esp The Drama of the Gifted Child. And Peg Streep on narcissistic mothers. Thanks for vlogging. All strength to you.

  5. I suppose you know Pete Walker's book on complex PTSD? It's great. And Alice Miller's book are game-changers. Esp The Drama of the Gifted Child. And Peg Streep on narcissistic mothers. Thanks for vlogging. All strength to you.

  6. So narc's are talented, interesting, intelligent people who are just misunderstood, get the fuck out!