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20 thoughts on “Narcissist as Eternal Child

  1. the kid i was in the same tent with on a BSA camp out this weekend (Age 11) acts exactly like this, he's mentally retarded and autistic. He acts like a bratty little 2 year old who continually hits me (after hitting me several times I hit him back, not hard but to make him feel like what it is to be hit.) and constantly does inappropriate things to himself and others (i.e. He sexually assaulted me while i slept). The most annoying thing he does is throw temper tantrums and threaten to kill himself because he doesn't get what he wants. let me finish by saying this, this was the worst camping trip ever in my life and the little bastard made me have a headache that lasted for half of a day. BTW I'm 15 and the other scout in my tent (Besides the narc) Is 11.

  2. Ina

    Sam, a genius in the subject.

  3. Ina

    very true, my mother who has this condition in fact, she is in her 70's and dresses with same clothes, never changes, in jeans with Hello Kitty t-shirt, provokes sensually…she behaves and talks of subjects that relates to teenagers… .

  4. You clarity of thought is absolutely stellar. It has helped me tremendously. Thank you so much.

  5. Interesting about the religion part. A video about narcissism and their concept of 'god' would be good.

  6. This is my opinion after so many years of observing; the most important aspect of life to a narcissist is getting the adulation of other people.  Even when his son died; they never found his body; he was out spending the insurance money and playing Santa Claus with it.  What happened to grieving and trying to locate the truth?  I did not know this when I met him; I found out later.  It is creepy and almost evil!!!

  7. I have actually realized, not out of cruelty or anger, that the narc is partially retarded.  He is emotionally retarded, and because the maturity level never developed to be an adult, he remained a child in a world that demands adulthood to survive.  That is why he enlists other people to "handle" his life while he plays, charms, and relaxes in oblivion.  Nothing matters.

  8. I get the impression that by trying to maintain the 'child-like' status, they fear losing all the adulation they have built up by the parents. When the parents die, he is thrown into a world of self confusion with no constant source of being totally 'spoiled' so to speak… Wow…

  9. You think that you are an adult because you know some things and you work you have your own house and you are a responsible human being. Narcissist act like that because they don't care about the material society you all live in. They live in the world of ideas. Something you ''adults'' call fantasy and imagination (and even, mental illness).

  10. The narcissist will indeed play a child sometimes, when confronted. He will pretend not to understand why you are angry or try to present it as a bit of a joke, made by a playful, childish person. You wouldn't get angry at a child, would you? My narc father occasionally went into this childish act when caught in his manipulation, thus blocking discussion. As far as he's concerned he's just an ignorant, well-meaning child that has unwittingly struck a nerve with you, and YOU need to start acting like a grown-up and accept that no real harm was intended. It was his clown act. It is funny to think how he could switch between his personalities, in a very short space of time: the concerned parent, the clown, the wounded child, the menacing authoritarian spewing insults and threats. I could sense his manipulation from a mile away, and it always came in waves: if the 'this is the reasonable thing to do' approach didn't work, he would switch to 'I will be in so much pain if you refused my demand' mode, to 'you will do it, or you are a terrible, useless person who will regret it' mode.

  11. it seems like anyone who doesn't serve society by marrying and having children is labelled a narcissist. 

    Will this determination change as we go from 7 billion people on earth to 18 billion in the next 30 years?

  12. I think that like a child, they also live in a world of fear. They must worry a lot that everything could come unraveled- I actually have the opposite problem, the it'll take care of itself, procrastination personality. I think both types can end up trapping themselves in a way.

  13. Mine was adopted.  omg.  she left "and never came back." 

  14. To 86kinky86…12 step recovery counteracts narcissism on every level. Recovery exists. To rely on therapy or the possibility of no recovery is incomplete. Recovery must embody a mental and spiritual approach. 

  15. retarded behavior?? hey i resemble that!!!

  16. A lot of this also sounds like dependent personality disorder, how can you distinguish?

  17. omg … so true. my ex is a classic narcissist. spoiled as a child .

  18. just rwad that conversation with npd and was quite shocked nps sufferer answered the questions as i would.especially why they dont cry coz they fear it wont stop.

  19. Wow…this was so profound!

  20. I recognize myself in your description. It is a defensemecanism. Cause I feel it stems from a fear of responsability. If you act like a grown-up you actually have to start taking responsability for your actions. And people aren't going to be all nice anymore. You have to face everything on your own. No one to help or save the situation. But I think its a healthy process to go through. And Im going to try to stop hiding behind my innocent mask. Be true to myself. my emotions and to the world.

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