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9 thoughts on “Narcissist Discard | Revenge or peace

  1. Yes, the best revenge is being happy and having a good life. They hate you for it because they will never have that. ALL of the ones I have known are terribly unhappy, miserable and end up alone in the end. I just discovered your channel and am having a Tracy marathon, so sorry for the numerous comments. Lol!

  2. The discard,, is so horrible and its "so you never forget how horrible you deserve to feel"I have lost count of how many times I have been dumped and discarded by them, my brother, sister, mother, ex.the list goes on. I am a narc magnet and have only in the past 4 years got out. NARC FREE is the only way to be.

  3. very well said. we cannot help them, but maybe some of them can change as they are on the spectrum too and i heard about observe not absorb, technique by ross rosenberg, still believe the best thing is to run away and take a good care of yourself.

  4. Great message!! Thanks..

  5. So true is the fact you must be discarded upon discovery that what was experience was textbook Narcisism. I purposely called it out after you get to the point where your health is degraded. In true Narc fashion, that same night, she screamed " I have a new friend Brad" . It was degrading, humiliating & dehumanizing. Know some I said well use him up till he can't take it anymore & then do it again. What are you suppose to say ? Good luck ? The weirdest thing was still getting a goodnight hug. I just left Barnes & Noble with "Psychopath Free by Jackson McKenzie " I got plenty of time for reading now that I'm not spending every free moment catering to a delusional narcopath. Damn she was nuts & my boundries were non existent.

  6. I think regarding narc genders men can tend to be more overt, and females may be more covert. Though, my somatic covert narcissistic wife did things similar to your story regarding false allegations of abuse. She did these to me, and to her first husband (making false allegations about him kicking their children during his raging, which I've now discovered was a lie.) She is the one who would fly into rages, simply by someone trying to have a peaceful non-confrontational talk. Then claim to everyone about how she was a victim, being verbally and/or physically attacked.

  7. When we break their delusion with actual reality, they discard quickly, and then use mental gymnastics to quickly explain away any reality that conflicts with their Delusion's.

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