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41 thoughts on “Narcissist Grooms Vulnerable Sources of Narcissistic Supply: Exploits Tragedy, Crisis, Misfortune

  1. im high empath what about a new mother and a young baby around an impulsive psycotic thats dangerous unbe known to her. theirs only the baby who would pick up on this. what about them/ jeez i wish some one had said to me hey hes a narcissist would have saved me my time and family. didnt think these cold hearted people woulds be able to commit these terrible crimes that they do. what if the young mother says something to him while hes in a mental state of mind fighting monsters as he put it. i think they should be in rampton until they are stable to be let back in the comunity. they are vicious buggers what about when they want to keep the wife and come back for her. its not good how they have got it. theirs no law for the crimes that they commit.

  2. thank u for the step daughter suffers from this behavior. and my wife is a victim of the behavior.

  3. My n-mother likes to frequent funerals of her estranged relatives. She cries and cries (never visits these people when they are alive) and is very inappropriate with trying to reconnect with said relatives in the funeral home. I call what she does "The Funeral Circuit". It's weird and pathological.

  4. Mr. Vaknin, are you familiar with MK-Ultra "handling"? This kind of "grooming" after a tragedy is identical to MK projects. It's no wonder, since the people who were in such projects were complete psychopaths with absolutely no conscience whatsoever.

  5. Please understand, this is my partner's middle aged daughter. i was naively taken in by her, she came to live with us and would not leave. she became furious and verbally abusive when I asked her to move on. She would also get very angry if one disagreed with her. Our relationship with her is still not repaired – she is unable to accept being in the wrong and puts her negativities onto others.

  6. Sounds familiar? Bet it does…

  7. Yes, he/she is ruthless enough and fully capable of capitalizing on a person's vulnerabilities/misery. Yes, yes and yes!!

  8. I'm reminded of Roman Polanski's 'Rosemary's Baby.' Spoilers The elderly couple whom turn out to be witches/satanists omit classic Narc traits: exploiting the weak, zero empathy for others boundaries and verbal degradation of others.

  9. My ex likes to "help cancer patients" so he can look like he's a good guy. The most recent spectacle he made was with a woman who's been diagnosed with cancer and given five months to live. In his post about it he said, "I completely understand how she feels… She's one of the coolest people I've ever met, she reminds me of myself!" It's  so grotesque how he uses her to start talking about himself, and says he knows how she feels. Really? He knows what it's like to be given five months to live and be dying of cancer? Wow. Just wow… I would think that being a narcissist wouldn't make a person feel so special since the behaviors are documented and basically "typical"… so by being a narcissist, you're just filling another stale old role and it doesn't make you special because your entire personality, or lack thereof, can be completely explained in books. I made his life a living hell because mine was and it was so hard to get away from him after he systematically financially disabled me and messed up my mental health. I understand now why, no matter how terrible it was to deal with a non compliant source, he didn't want me to leave. I was still giving him attention in the form of rage, contempt, and disgust at the kind of person he was. His wife before me was raped and I'm sure he used that to mess with her head. I was sexually assaulted and he used it so often that it didn't even work anymore. At first it hurt, then eventually I just started laughing about it. The good thing is no one could ever hurt me with those things anymore. He used all of my weaknesses against me so that I'm immune to it now. I think of him as one of those professional escape artists that prisons hire to break out of their prisons, so they can find any weak spots and fix them. That's what narcissists can do. It wasn't an entirely useless encounter at least. :)

  10. I grew up with a highly narcissistic mother, I knew something was wrong from an early age but not what. I presume the way I was manipulated or just a fault in my own perception led me to believe people couldn't be so calculating/manipulative outside of politics/business (didn't think people would be so petty as to scheme to such a degree over such ''small fry'' as ego boosting or making other people feel miserable). I have paid a huge price for this fault in my perception over time, attracting narcissists like flies (luckily they can't stand anyone else ''on their patch'' so only usually had to deal with one at once). When I discovered the truth about narcissism it was like a mountain of s**t came down on me that people could be so miserable and petty but it slots into place perfectly, people can be that miserable and petty. I am slowly offloading the toxicity accumulated and learning how to deal with the last remaining ''flies'' that haven't gotten the message they are no longer dealing with a wide open ''mark''. I wish every person out there also getting rid of their ''flies'' and the toxicity they leave behind the best of luck and a return of their positive energy (for their own use).

  11. disagree, criticize & narcissistic rage comes out, you must accept their negativity re. you but heaven help you if you speak
    up re. their constant negativity, they love to "rain on the parade" of others.

  12. underminers, control freaks, speed freaks, thief, brat, laughs at accidents, never gets '3d' humour, loves slapstick

  13. PLEASE  understand this is my mother

  14. They love to get in when you are suffering from a crisis under the disguise of being a fake friend and there for you. They will use anything to get what they want. If you can't do nothing for them, they want nothing to do with you, you have to have something worth them using you for.

  15. here's a hypothetical question: If I know that a dangerous n is grooming the vulnerable teenage son of one of his friends, but I don't know the teenager or the friend- what can I do? How do you warn someone (especially someone you don't know) without building intrigue? 

  16. My mother is a narcissist.

    She has hit me and she does all these crazy thing you mention, and thing I have read in articles. Never in my life have I got an apology from her, or an admission that she is wrong.

    She could stand by her statement even if she is proven false, a BAD example is that she says: 2222222 + 1111111 is 3333334
    Me: An odd number plus an even number has to be an odd number.
    She: You don't clean your room often, you only helped me to cook dinner 3 times this week and you are stupid. You and your dad are the same.

    It's painful as hell, that the one who is supposed to be the dearest person to you, is the one betraying you, blaming you and trying to make you feel shame, just to prove her dominance and to appeal to other families.

  17. Medical/ allied health industries are the perfect hiding spot for narcs who might masquerade around as a genuine helper, but very much not.

  18. Thank you for putting me out there, Sam…..:-)

  19. His series of videos explains my relationship like no other has!  I feel sane at last, someone understands.  I took the suggestion of another comment to lookup "Psychological manipulation" This seems to be a byproduct of the narcissistic and something you need to be prepared in dealing with if you want to save your own self worth.  It's scary, I see him working other people this way too but they have not (and may not) ever see the dark side because he only spends very limited amount of time with them as business associates.  

  20. Sam, I respect you and I am learning so much from you! Nobody in the world is more competent to recognize and  describe this condition. I have one question if you could help me please? Recently it caught my attention football player Ibrahimovic Zlatan. Watched some videos about him on youtube, his interview…he looks to me like malignant case. I might be wrong, so if you could help me please clarify and tell me what you think. Could be that he is just an idiot? Thank you

  21. Yes, the answer is a huge YES. If they know someone has tried to kill themself, they'll treat them the worst way possible, depending on what that might be. If they hear someone has a sick child, they'll force them taking life long business decissions, which they themself been stalling for months, so they can con them into signing whatever they wish, in the hope the parent is too distraught over the child to care, and so on. They use your weaknesses to profit or for sadism.

  22. this makes so much sense and explains my experiences at the hands of I believe a narcissistic woman who exploited my disability to gain attention from her religious community. Could anyone tell me if OCD accompanies this personality disorder such as self harm or trichotillomania?

  23. Is this the "susceptibility" we are talking about? 

  24. I have been dealing with a narcissist who is bent on destroying me. This person is also running a smear campaign towards me and has the ability to manipulate people. The damage done to my life and health is irreparable. I am trying to stay strong. Thank you Sam for educating people about this highly destructive disorder.

  25. LOL
    As for me, watching these videos is like detox.

  26. I'm pretty sure Dopamine is heavily implicated here.

  27. So, then, a person is happy to oblige helping, or acting in a seemingly compassionate way as long as someone is there to watch and admire the behavior. When the audience disappears, so then does the compassion. Example: A grandchild, ignored completely for days, is suddenly held, and tears well in the narcissist's eyes as a camera is picked up.Yet when the child, ill, is left alone with the narcissist, the phone is always busy (narcissist seeking supply); the same child must fend for himself.

  28. Sam — As usual, great video. My husband appears to have NPD. However, he exhibits the behaviors almost exclusively to me. I'm the one who has to make dinner, clean the house, etc. And what I do is NEVER good enough for him. I ALWAYS need to ask him permission whatever I do. Is this NPD, or is there another diagnosis that might fit him better?

  29. Jesus — thank GOD that you are out of that relationship!!! Poor me, I am still married to my N, he tries to be nice but can't seem to manage it sometimes!

  30. Thanks. That might be the reason why narcissists tend to find each other very attractive.

  31. Calling them out won't cause the Narcissist to realize the error of his or her ways at all. Actually it will most likely cause the Narcissist to turn everyone you know mutually (family, friends, co-workers, religious figures, and etc.) against you. If you ever want to feel what unleashed Narcissistic Rage is like tell the Narc you know they're lying and they should be ashamed of themselves.

  32. The moment you disagree with the N I know you are cut off. He may or may not let you back in immediately, but that depends on whether or not his Narcissistic Supply is currently full or not. Truly one is disposable to the N in more ways than one.

  33. What if, might sound crazy, but a narcissist labels a non-narcissist as one in order to self victimize? Probable I believe so

  34. It's like they live in their own "narc world" & nothing else matters but them. Not attending the wake of your cousin's husband's mother, even though you're very close to them (even called him "a brother from a different mother") & knew that they were grieving her death terribly because you didn't want to see your ex-gf at the wake is the ultimate in self-absorption–thinking about your own feelings rather than the feelings of the cousin is a perfect exhibition of lack of empathy.

  35. the 2 narcissists I've been with didn't appreciate all the good I did for them, ungrateful man children, it was very hard living with them, they would constantly blame everything on me, after 2 and 3 years of their abuse and bull crap, I said goodbye, now I'm happily living on my own and being with family and close friends who love and care for me and vice versa. It's so much healthier, because life is too short for heartache and pain.

  36. Good video. Helped me to understand better why my ex bounced from bloke to bloke to bloke to bloke then shit on the one she loved best. She's fucked up. It really is that simple.

  37. Wow, Sam. This helps me understand so much what I've just been through.

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