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18 thoughts on “Narcissist Love Bombing And The Discard

  1. Great video. Enjoy them and look forward to each new one and replaying some over and over picking out the gold contained.

    As sad as it is to have a relationship end, especially when you have been lead to believe there was something good happening. To be given a clean break like that from a Narc, it is a blessing. Be glade you did not bread with them and have shared assist with them.

    It is much worse being married to them for 10+ years, wonder why you keep going around in circles with problems you through were resolved, past issues dug up, entitlement, they create issues in your life that you need to resolve, keep moving you around and isolate you, say horrible things about your family, they pick one of your parents and trash talk them, encourage you to withdraw more from your family, they stop work and then don't go back while expecting you to support their lifestyle, never allow you alone time with your child with them, triangulate you and you children, ask you to increase your life insurance so they can buy a house if you die and still have money to live on so they do not have to work, name call you, accuse you of affairs, accuse you of hiding money, asking you to tell your brothers you should get more from your deceased parent's estate because you helped your parents so much (and this was before you meet this person and married them), when you disagree with their point of view it becomes an us and them routine, you get called evil, silent treatment, mind games, no affection, when you try to talk things through they either put head phones on or walk out the room to the bathroom or just ignore you, threaten to leave with you child and go back to their home country (so you have to put travel restrictions on them and then have a rage attack), have you child witness the rage attacks, the putdowns, name calling, etc.

    If you leave as being the only income to the family, good chance she will get the place and custody of the children (assuming the narc is your wife). You will have to pay child support, alimony and then get the PAS (parental alienation syndrome), etc. You thought it was bad when living with them wait till you divorce with shared assets and children. Plus, you then have to work through all the crazy stuff they did to you and regain your soul and life. Get rid of the false beliefs, the FOG (Fear, Obligation and Guilt).

    Trust me, the earlier you work out something is not right with a person and you get them out of your life the better. Trust me, took 17 years to work out something not right with my wife and the hell she has put me through was more the routine of a covert narc. It has been a lot of internal work and growing. The hard financial parts are still to come as they only get worse as they get older. Especially once their parents and the people they look up to die, those people they respected are out of their life, then they unleash the hoards of hell at you. That was when crazy went to a new level and once I started saying "No", the discard happened so quickly to break me. The disproportionate response, the lack of reciprocation.

    Narcs know how to send you to dark places within yourself, like postnatal depression. Because you want to find a solution, find the right words for the pain to stop, to be the good person, to do the right thing but nothing works, your the bad person, your at fault. You cannot negotiate with a terrorist, you have to look after yourself. You need to talk to people, the secrets behind the closed doors need to come out. Those who have been there know what I'm saying here

  2. I had one guy propose to me and seconds later hit on the waitress and ask her out..seriously.. that is how you know where you REALLY stand.

  3. my current narc is so annoying. he loves bomb me into having sex and then picks up a fight the next day. he act like nothing happened. so sadistic

  4. that is the most disturbing and hurtfull things about the narc..its inhuman.all those behaviors are very disturbing..its like their pod people with a demon

  5. Narcissists may run from love. Narcissists are ADD and may flirt with many. Their brain may not work and fear may make them run. Yes..out of sight/out of mind. Yes..they are in panic to find new supply fast. They want supply but not that person maybe since they may have faked they are similar to you.

  6. 3 years after I left my mother's house, I came back to try to find something, and she couldn't even remember my name for at least the first 30 seconds. She ran right down the list of my four older brothers, then said "YOU!". Like she couldn't even cough up my name after the other four names. Just "You". I had lived alone with her for 6 years, longer than any other person ever lived alone with her. Couldn't even recall my name.

  7. You are so beautiful! !! inside and out Ahhhhh I just love your videos! thank you so much! !

  8. This is one of the hardest things for survivors to overcome. The mind has to rationalize and grieve a connection that was truly a facade. It took me mths and I still have my moments. The rejection is devastating

  9. my ex was like this….after 3 weeks, she wanted to marry me, to have kids and she used to say thousands of "i love you" on a daily base……hm…. i didnt know that she had this PD..personal disorder….your videos helped me a lot 🙂 thank You! :)……a lot :)

  10. they think of people as nothing more then tools or objects to be used and abused

  11. Just a quick recent experience of mine, it just might come useful to someone to recognize this discard that can happen even in a shorter amount of time.

    I started chatting to someone online a couple of weeks ago and it all seemed we had similar values and goals in life. He went on to say really fast, that I am what he's looking for (on no grounds whatsoever) other than my looks, current fitness level and my education and so on.
    there were red flags popping all over and I was really aware of all of them, there were countless.
    After 6 days of chatting I had told this person I enjoyed talking to him and started listing the stuff he had told me about himself, that I remembered – or learned if you want. Then all of a sudden he asked me if there were other people from the dating site I was talking to and I told the truth, that I was keeping in touch with another gentlemen and he went on to ask me some questions about the third individual and asked if I had met him – and said no and had no intention to yet. He asked me about what that third person did for a living etc.
    What happened next was a text book case – he said that it seems I'm going on with that third person just fine and that he's shocked I lied (where in 6 days!!!! it was the first time the topic was opened) and hurt that I had wasted his time. and said bye.

    Now, I was shocked by the "bye" and replied ??? and thanked him for some advice he had given me before and wished him well.
    Needless to say he was on texting the next morning … all over the place some texts about being hurt and led on
    some about him wanting me and me being the right for him and … basically just crazy. And the stuff just didn't add up in so many ways.

    I ended up apologizing numerous times for having wasted 6 days of his time and stating that I don't want to further waste his time. He had basically said it all himself.

    So what happened here was a classic example of a narc. baiter type of person, who thrives on drama. So — what I am trying to tell the viewers who are trying to educate themselves in narc behavior – it can be as subtle as this … love of my life one second (we never met even!) and bye the next. I told him after 2 days that I don't really see any point in cotinuing any type of communication with him and regarding what he told me about his goals in life I really don't want to stand in the way of him achieving those or waste his time in getting to know me further or longer than a week. so … that was it.

    and I am sure he will get someone who asks less questions and remembers less things that were told. 🙂
    Good luck to everyone. Keep your radars on and do your homework asap. If a person has no social media whatsoever – he's either really private or leads a double or triple life – that was what my instinct was telling me.

  12. OK I've never encountered quite that. But she was quick to cut & run and then ghost me.
    But at the time I wouldn't blame her because I would be asking her back or wanting closure and then felt..ooops!… perhaps too much pressure on her. So felt it was my bad.
    Time will tell. I have quite a few of her belongs and I already notified her months ago as to what she wanted me to do with them and no response…alas…

  13. I realy hope my narc forgot my name lol

  14. My Dearest Sasha.

    Want to thank you for all the great vids..they have been a great help for me.

    My whack job , covert narc, histrionic BPD, alcoholic ex wife of 10 years decompensated and blew up 14 months ago,
    then took off 2000 miles away to be with some ex boyfriend from 30 years ago about classic re cycling old narc supply.
    I have gone no contact since she left.
    So about 6 months ago she starts texting me ..I respond with …who is this?? …she responds with a stern..this is your wife…
    I respond with ..oh….
    wish I could have seen the look on her face.!
    Fast forward to this December..she starts texting me again to wish me a happy birthday and christmas and to tell me she found her diagnosed bipolar schizophrenic mother that abandoned her and her diagnosed bipolar sister 48 years ago and
    is going to visit her over the christmas holidays..
    Any insight into what is going on in her twisted mind?

  15. Thanks so much! Your videos are awesome and gave me insightful understanding on this topic. I needed it.

  16. Con Artists. Cheap and unpincipled.

  17. They're scam artists, they scam people emotionally as well as materially.

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