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39 thoughts on “Narcissist Mother npd – no longer silenced

  1. brilliant. thank you. stay strong. stay inspirational x

  2. Hi Lisa, I have just found your channel and I am really enjoying it. I  was raised by a narc mother and a enabling father. It was hell and as a result I am a self sabotager. With many failed marriages, friendships and a nervous breakdown I finally seeked help.I am happy to say I am doing much better.  I want to thank you for having the courage to post so honestly, you make me laugh (when you do your mom voice) and you make me cry because you are so right. I know your pain these people really should rot in hell.

  3. I hear you sister.  Been there and done that.  Hugs and healing to you and may God bless you with His truth.  (Read Genesis 3:15 and Matt 13:24-30 to get an idea of what these "people" are.  I will keep you and all my true brothers and sisters in my prayers.  There is no pain worse than the hand we were dealt being born into a nest of Vipers.  And they know what they are doing, else they wouldn't change their act instantly when an "outsider" walks thru the door.  They ARE evil.

  4. I know you care you about your mother, but I think you should keep away, for yourself to heal. Ive been living with a narcisstic family. Until I got away it took me a long time to heal, but they are energetically draining. you need to love yourself and heal yourself.

    its horrible to say this and it sounds quite harsh, but KEEP FAR AWAY!!! Until I did I became free, im just saying it from my own experience. Now I am healing, loving myself, and i only accept people who respect and love me because I deserve that. Noone deserves to be treated like crap and abused. Being with those kind of people kills yourenergy, kills your soul. They just want to suck the life blood out of you, they all have that same mentality, how you are describing your mother is how my family is the same mentality.

  5. Interesting you cry the day you see your mother. We do matter, thanks for sharing your story. I thought I was alone and something was severely wrong with much of my life. Hearing stories like yours is sad but I know I'm now alone and neither are you. So we can take some comfort away even from sharing sadness. Peace and Love to you.

  6. "They rewrite history and events of your life." And, no, NPD's never, ever, ever change. "It's never enough with you." That is a hell of a rotten thing to say, Mother to Daughter, Parent to Child, at any age. They're are rarely treated, because THEY don't need psychiatry (though they may acknowledge others do lol). So they're very rarely discovered. Males sometimes are if they wind up in prison, but even then it takes time to spot because bit many psych interns (predominate group of viewers), just don't see it in training or practice.

    When your mom dies, you'll mourn the mother you did NOT have, not the one you did. Good luck with counseling and where you can. For kids, it is allot like being an orphan and most carry serious trust issues well into adulthood, especially with themselves. Bloom. Take in the Sun. And take frequent breaks from your mom when you can.

  7. I could relate to this so much! I wish so much my mom just once could genuinely care about me. Everything is about her. No matter what the conversation it has to come back to her. If I have anything going on, she has something worse or more important going on. And I get so sick of hearing "you'll miss me when I'm dead" or all the other poor me attention seeking stuff.

  8. Gosh, your Mother sounds EXACTLY like my narcissistic mother!

  9. For a moment, I thought you were talking about my mother! I totally get what you mean by her asking "how are you?" and then switched back to her topic. Also when she asked about things that she can (barely) relate to, she just went off talking about what she did. The most irritating thing for me would be my mother always claims that my achievements come from her, in which in the reality we totally have nothing in common.

  10. There is a really helpful forum on this very subject on reddit called "RaisedByNarcissists" take a look

  11. I feel your pain. I have no voice still at 57 years old. your right about speaking out about this. thank you for helping me today to show me again that I matter as do you. hug

  12. A huge hug for you…from Belgium,so you are nog alone

  13. I wish I could hug you! I'm so sorry for all the horrible damage these demons perpetrate. Please understand that they try to destroy the most beautiful souls. Their mission on this planet seems to be the snuffing out of light.

  14. It IS evil, and you need to know that before you can really heal. You're very beautiful, but I can see the damage to your health.

  15. my husbands mother is a Narcissist she has taken over my house but after watchin your vid you know what im getting her out of my house today

  16. big huggs…xoxoxoxoxoxo

  17. You are so smart and your sense of humor is brilliant. xo

  18. My mom is not a narc, she is extreem codependent. The same story, sadly. I never get listened to. In the middle of me telling something she just leaves the room to do something. Well I know now keeping busy with all the unneccessary stuff is her fleeing her own emotional pain. But we still did not receive the attention we needed as kids. Nor now. It is hard to reteach ourselves that being heard is a normal thing.

  19. Try have both parents as a narcissist 

  20. My mother is going to be 86 in January. She is a horrid as ever. Of course she still comes across like the sweet innocent victim. She will never change any more than your mom. I am almost entirely no contact with my mother. I am 100% no contact with my exes. I still crave the attention that I never get and desire to reach out to the mother she never was. I get over it.


  21. I liken being in a relationship with a narc mother like being doused with gasoline and set alight every day. It's hard to to break free especially when you have to look after them through illness and the closer you get the more pain you get subjected to.

  22. your mother is evil. I should know, my mother has npd!

  23. Thank you for sharing this. I'm 20 and I'm still suffer sometimes but, I am glad to say, well on the road to recovery, perhaps due to the fact that I read loads of self-help. I see I'm a bit further along than you and hope you can let go of your mother one day… Realise that what you have with her is all you will EVER have. We have to learn to love ourselves and live our lives fully. So that instead of trying to find the light, we become it. Best of luck. X

  24. They are evil and they are at fault.

  25. My sister is a narcissist and so is my brother.. its very hard when the whole family is full of hate for you and they don't even know it….They gang up on you and bully you, I was homeless three times after being thrown out of my mothers home when I was  young, IT leaves huge scars on your memory and you can barely function.. My mothers death meant nothing to me… I felt no pain.. THAT is not normal.. so I know its had a huge impact on me. I have had a very hard time keeping jobs and friends my whole life. I have no doubt I will feel nothing when they all die and its so sad to me, that I care nothing for them all.. I see a therapist now and he is helping as best he can. Love and hugs.. Take care!!!!

  26. You said that you are not saying your "mother" is evil. Depending on your belief system, yes narcissists ARE evil, Lisa. It's ok to say so, whether it's your egg donor or not. I don't call narc females "mothers"

  27. I can totally understand, knowing someone with this abuse from they parents is frightening, because of how so very evil in darkness Narcissistic parents is, on inside. This upset me, l never experienced it but would totally sympathise to those who l know are. God Bless, light, piece and love be with you my friend. X

  28. Oh yeah, mine always had to have the glory for anything I did…….I stopped doing anything, so she couldn't.
    I'm having to learn as an adult how to DO things again, rather than hiding my skills.

  29. I nearly started crying watching this because I can relate so much. I'm 18 years old and my biological mother is definitely a narc. So is her ex husband, my biological father. He is also a sociopath. I have suffered every kind of abuse there is. In the state of AL, I'm not considered an adult until 19. I moved out at 17 and lived with friends, but because I'm not "legally an adult" the police forced me to move back. She constantly oppresses me. Its worse than living in prison. I bought a $300 laptop which she stole and refuses to give back. There is no justification for this. I didn't do anything, and she stole my property. Also, I met this really great guy and he asked for my number (she won't let me have a phone, so had to give him her number). After a couple days of talking to him, she would go through my texts all the time (while screaming at me to not go through hers, of course. Because that makes a lot of damn sense). So she deleted his number while I was staying where I board my horse for a couple days. Fortunately I saved it because I knew she's a crazy bitch. He told me she told him to never contact me again. Like wtf? Every time I find an ounce of happiness, she has to kill it. She's always trying to control me. I have anxiety and suffer from depression because I'm around her. When I moved out, I had begun to heal. So when I had to move back last November, I had a complete break down. It's still hard right now, but I'm surviving. I'm so glad my (now) boyfriend didn't let her scare him off. He makes me so happy. I haven't been suicidal for over 6 months now. And next March, the second I turn 19 I am sooo out of here.

  30. Oh dear…do we have the same mother? 

  31. You ARE worth it!! I feel so much for what you are going through! My mom is also npd and im trying no contact after sone recent "issues" that made me realize…thats it! I refuse to honor her at Mother's Day when im sure she'll have nothing but nasty things to say to me….hope you get better and love to you!

  32. When a child of  a narcissistic parent is not well it reflects badly on the ability of the narc parents highly imagined and, as any non narc parent knows, quite impossible, parental perfection.  i.e. "how are you?", will be cut short if the answer is anything but  "fine. " Please understand, they have no ability to feel empathy.  In their world they are perfect and have always done a perfect job.
    I mourned the loss of my mother almost ten years ago.  It was heartbreaking.
    I am so much better now.. because I understand that this has probably been handed down from generation to generation. I understand that she honestly did not know how to empathize any more than a cat can understand how to use cutlery.  They are deficient.  Always remember that this life cannot be easy for them either, but, take care of your needs first.  You are lovely and there is more love for you than you know.  Be proud that you understand and can stop this cycle of abuse and neglect.  Empathy is such a great gift and it is so very sad that they have none.

  33. <3 Thanks again for sharing. Continual manicures and pedicures may provide a needed pleasant and positive boost to dghtrs of N's. They make me feel better :D

  34. I am only child of a Malignant NPD mother. I also had gastric bypass 14 yrs ago,  My mother works with my ex and has alienate my children from me.  My three daughters are my entire world.  She is psychologically and emotionally trying to destroying me.  I believe she does want me dead.  She thinks my three girls are now hers.  I was a stay at home mom for 13 years and she took everything from me because she lived for seven years in the same house with my ex husband and I when I asked him for a divorce.  I blew up her created world then and they both haven't stop persecuting me since.  My children are the weapon used to punish me.  Thank you for you videos I relate very much to you.

  35. I feel your pain. You describe it well.

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