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14 thoughts on “Narcissistic Mothers Can Render You VOID!

  1. I bet her telling you she had you to replace your Grandmother was a lie. If a NM is talking they are lying. I bet she just got pregnant for the same reason millions of women get pregnant. Her game telling you that was to demean you. Don't take her word for it. Consider the source.

  2. I've been NC with the mother for 6 years.I started to show her some things The LORD had showed me and she called me a few choice words, one of them being a traitor.It was time for her to go.I wish I had gone NC 30 years ago, though I made a point to stay away as much as possible from her.When I was 17 she kicked me out and I was like "woohoo, I can finally leave!"She made a point of finding me and taking me back home, because the neighbors would talk.Mine wanted a boy and had me.On my 18th, she gave me the baby cards and there were three which told her she would grow to love me as much as she would have loved a boy.Any hugs from her were for show.I was allowed to talk for 3 min on the phone and the mom would open all of my mail.She had to be buddies with any friends I had.Weird.

  3. I grew up in a household with a mother and father who were both narcissistic. My mom was Jezebel and my dad Ahab. My mom was controlling and needy and my father allowed her to be that way because he had a low self esteem. He couldn't be the person she expected him to be because I believe he didn't know how. He stuffed his issues as well. I wouldn't speak to my father due to what was going on between he and my mom. He stopped speaking to me also.  Both my parents come from dysfunctional families so I can understand why they ended up the way they are. I am not excusing their behavior but I can see why they ended up so messed up.

  4. You have an infectious laugh – love it!

  5. I am dating a survivor of a narc mom who was very violent and, like yours, cold and unaffectionate.  The problem is, he is unaffectionate with me and I can't get him to warm up or trust.  He has very thick walls up around him and has struggled with addiction his entire life.  Its very frustrating to try to help him but this is the fallout from having narc parents.  I can't even get him to watch videos like this, which sure have helped me.  I think these narc parents do cause spiritual affliction in their children, such as you described – schizophrenia, depression, dissociation, suicide, addiction, etc.

  6. I think your laugh after you tell of the severe abuse you endured as a defense mechanism. Behind that laughter could be anger. There's a term for it, but I forgot. It's not funny, and I noticed your laughter and it felt odd, like something isn't lining up. Like there is compassion missing for the little girl inside. That's okay. There is feeling there that you can access if you wish, repressed feeling. If you can access it for what it is, you will find another beautiful, amazing piece of yourself that's being supressed along side the frozen emotion. Love your videos. So healing for me.

  7. Hello Dear, People with schizophrenia do not have multiple personalities, people with Dissociate Identity Disorder do however. (or the old diagnosis name Multiple Personality Disorder.) Schizophrenics hallucinate visual or audio or both, sometimes they claim to see other people, objects or demons. The reason I am telling you this is because I think you are doing great work with what you are doing here and if you ever decided to go further in the subject of your teen years I just wanted you to know. Sadly my grandmother had schizophrenia and would see people that were not there, it is a heart breaking disease also. They both are. Anyway, God Bless You. I hope this isn't offensive I am just truly trying to let you know the difference in case you decide to pursue the subject further. Your sister in Christ, Shelly   

  8. I laugh as a reaction in situations deemed as inappropriate by those whose scale of emotions are more properly aligned. Thank you for your candid admission to this affliction and I love the description "tick"! Better to creep you out with a nervous laugh than a knee jerk punch, don't you think?!

  9. If your mother was making statements about cutting her throat, maybe they didn’t feel she was safe enough to be around you for those 2 weeks. Just a thought. Next, does it have to be schizophrenia? Couldn’t it just be your natural personality coming out from under the oppressive weight of your N mother?  I ask because that’s what I always thought of my own transition in personality. When I got close to home, the weight would settle over me. I learned to suppress my own personality at home, the transition was necessary, but I’d never thought of it as a mental illness. More like protecting the sanity I did have. 

  10. I wish you wouldn't laugh. That is completely contemptible what your mother did. I don't think it's funny at all.

  11. I just found you and this has been an eye opener! I searched and longed for her approval, her love or even acceptance, it never came. I'm 34 now and the only time I remember her attempting to hug me was when I was 25, and she just couldn't do it, at least she tried. I went no contact this summer and I feel liberated. Forgive but don't forget. 

  12. Thanks for this vid, thought I was alone… This describes my mother & grandmother the "T". 

  13. That is the craziest thing I ever heard. She had you to replace some one else. Well my dad said he had kids to abuse them cause he was abuse. These ppl are sick to the core.

  14. I am a 22 year old college student and I just wanted to say I like all of your videos because you give great advice. thanks

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