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23 thoughts on “Narcissist’s Family

  1. My Ex Narc has 8 kids by 8 women n I could never understand y he leave them as soon as they get pregnant n doesn't come around to the child is 5 or older omg…..this is so true

  2. Thanks for this video, Sam. I have a shocking experience illustrating this myself.

    I am an only child. When I was 43, I was living half-way around the world from my NF. My Asian wife was 28. Despite our ages, Dad wrote to me and tried to triangulate with his family back in the US that he tried to STOP my marriage (the way HIS mother stopped him from marrying the girl he met in Germany when he was a post WWII occupation soldier there). What business was it of his who I married at 43 years of age?

    Furthermore, despite his own lifelong anti-abortion stance, when my wife was expecting my late mother's first grandchild (AND HIS!), he wrote a cousin of his suggesting that my wife abort–his own flesh and blood! I wish I believed in heaven so I could imagine my mother giving my father what for right now.

    I also have lots of details and examples that fit in perfectly with Sam's video on Narcs as compulsive givers. I've retained an atty to try and recoup the $100K he gave his cousins instead of his only forgotten son with uninsured, chronic, life-threatening health issues AND his own daughter-in-law and grand-daughter who could be destitute under the way he set things up.

    It's time the estate lawyers and courts sat up and paid attention to the fact that they may be tacitly and complicitly furthering the abuse of these twisted minds AND causing great pain and suffering to those such as my wife and daughter. If anyone wants to contact me, please do so. I'm more than happy to have a dialogue.

  3. OMG…this is explained so clearly…I lived this. This cycle is what happened to me with my father…I have found this hard to listen too, but will watch it again until I understand it properly. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for the prompt reply Sam
    I will surely follow it up.
    Be blessed!,

  5. Can this be treated? Can it be inherited?

  6. Vicarious supply… So true!

  7. thank you i dodged a bullet

  8. Brilliantly describes my mother. Thank you!

  9. Just brilliant (again).

  10. Thank you very much for illuminating things for us and for taking into consideration so many aspects of narcissism in everyday life. I would like to ask you if you could make a video or a comment on the narcissistic child or narcissistic sibling of 3-10 years old. How do they react? I would like to have your opinion especially on their provoking fear or disgust in order to feel something through the reaction of others – since they cannot feel anything (I imagine). They are learning through the reaction of others – am I right? I remember my sister – a narcissist – tried to shock me by violent acts to animals or my favourite teddy bear. How common is this and is it a trait of psychopathy? Thank you

  11. I was the golden child but became the scapegoat after exercising my independence. Soon after, I had a son who has now become the golden child and is now being manipulated and overly spoiled. I'm going nuts because I never noticed until recently what has been going on. 

  12. +Sam Vaknin Two months ago I had a series of crisis' after realizing the nature of several influential family members.  I was the SG.. my brother the GC.  I've since cut off contact with all immediate and extended family.. except my spouse who is also a survivor like I am.. and our kids.  As we've been modeled some distressing and dysfunctional ways of being in this world, how can I quell the narcissistic characteristics I see in myself as a result… and teach my children better also ? 

  13. That ending: they adopt anti narcissistic behaviors.

  14. my mother is a narcissit  i'm the scape goat my older sister the oldest is the golden child  she got pregnant at 15 have her baby at 16 and  the mother/ sieter /me/niece plays a BIG part in a lot of my whole life niece born in 1984 I was born in 1977 my sister already hated me she was born in 1968 my mother raised my niece and late my sieter had 2 more kids and even she moved out my mother raised them  they nearly lived with us… my sister and probably mom taught sisters kids to hate me and  they got away with it and now i'm sick and 37 and last 8 years or so I am like the neice and oldest niece  born 84 is like the aunt  I am not good enough

  15. is this a situation where Munchausen by proxy may ocure

  16. Is my Husband a Narcissist ? he makes harsh comments and put downs ,acts like having your own opinion is an insult and seems cold . when i got pregnant he said why did you do this to me : it rang alarm bells but he was sweet in other ways but only ever if something in it for him . Im scared its damaged our child and feel powerless

  17. I searched your videos but could not find any about narcissistic brothers. Especially in the context of a family business. Thanks for all your interesting and helpful information.

  18. Interesting, but I've seen that kind of over-thinking in the humanities instance a lot. Certainly a narcissist finds a more real-life reason for "projecting" himself unto his family members than then on the grounds of genetics.

  19. I saw this in my brother. All he does is brag about his 2 "genius" children, but he forces them to adopt to his extreme beliefs, and closed them off from the rest of the world, it's influences and those that think differently from him. They are more his "creation" than individual kids. He created them in his own image. Extensions of him.

  20. Why? Are you dependent on them financially? If not, there is no excuse to stay in touch with them.

  21. @samvaknin I've watched several of your videos about narcissists. Can you make a video about how to handle narcissistic parents?
    In one of your videos you said it's better to stay away as far as possible from narcissists, but since they are my parents i can't stay away as far as I want it to be. I gotta interact with them somehow.


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