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32 thoughts on “Narcissist’s Fantasy Sex Life

  1. mine couldn't even look at me or, stand to hear my voice bc he would lose his erection, as soon as he was done, he would leave and ignore me for day's sometimes week's at a time until he wanted to have sex with me again and the cycle would repeat itself. Anyone else have one of those types???

  2. He said he loves me so much he wants to eat ALL of me, and so he started with my backbone. ~ KvL

  3. I knew one who would get bored with each gf early on then withdraw into video games and porn for imaginary fantasy supply. He dated only very overweight women thinking he could better control them and keep them from leaving him which each inevitably did. He would complain about how they took advantage of him – each one in the exact same way, when it fact it turned out thats what HE does to people. Sob stories galore, even though he was a horrible boyfriend, no empathy, and he would do anything he thought he could get away with behind their backs. He also had performance issues due to his porn addiction; dick didn't work half the time and he would try to blame other things insinuating that if theyd perhaps lick his ass or something he might get it up…. thats not sex, thats degradation. He was obsessed with anal too, as far as I can tell he saw it as defeminizing, degrading, invading, getting someone to do something they wouldn't usually. He also needed to have his gfs pretend to be his daughter for him to get turned on, going so far as to call him daddy or bear because he was such a weak maggoty covert narc… something very small and ineffectual. Absolutely no scruples, their feelings didn't matter… he would do anything he wanted as long as he knew he wouldnt get caught and lose primary supply which was hard for him to get because he was so extremely unattractive. The covert ones i think are likely to be less attractive than the swaggering asshole narcs.

  4. I always felt creepy with my ex narc around my five yr old daughter. He was obsessed with her, and always made comments about how he wondered what she will be like in 10 yrs (age 15); implying she was going to be slutty because she is very beautiful. Never felt that was normal. Glad he is gone.

  5. i think mine is gay. and is too cowardly to own his own sexuality.. anyone else feel the same???

  6. Is this why my ex narc preyed on strippers and had children with them? Bcuz he looked at them as whores?

  7. When u start getting to the root of the the cause and evaluate how a child so young so pure so loving being born as one self should be born in the the peak of vulnerability and the logic of coda penance that our that our very life needed for survival with mins not affected or have the ability to think of harm risk good judgement of people thããã are toxic and are gonna be the destruction on life and fragments your brain that continues to

  8. hi sam just to conclude from another comment I had started but did not reach satisfaction of a well written summary that can be a reflection that doesn't do my intellectual skill the justice it deserves and the credentials for data input in a very informative way in which it is intended to be validating and maybe entrigued to share our stories experiences we have encountered along the way a insight and a topic that is not just of deep meaning and not just a matter of curiosity that elevates validates devaluing at a self destructing at times tbh and also being not just self Awre of my illness but aving an extreme exposure to what is so sad cruel and just heartbreaking whe

  9. my ex-wife (narc) sex was sex…no love making…after sex she would get up and go eat

  10. How you describe the sexual fantasies are exactly the narratives in porn. Is porn so popular with men because most of them are psychopaths and narcissist? Can I trust a man who watches porn?

  11. I   neeeeed your library! Love it!

  12. Hunts for new feminine prey…. creepy.

  13. Hi Sam , where did you post or in the book regarding the narcissist rendering his partner frigid by being sexually overbearing ?

  14. The female narcissist that I know for decades is frigid and was too embarrassed to tell her both children the "fact of Life" so I did while she stood like a rigid statue by her refrigerator.  The weird thing is she was always acted like she was available for sex and flirted with any guy she could get attention from and slept around with married men she felt she captured. I used to call he a free f@ck" because she disgusted me since, as I never understood what she got out of the sex since she never had an orgasm. That was my sister over 40 years ago.

  15. SAM, hello and regards,  a new comedian has on her website discussed and shown a pic of a factory where they are making realistic looking and FEELING  female dolls and there are back orders in the tens of thousands for them.  This goes to the endemic nature of this type of narcissism in particular and cultural misogyny in general to me ( and i a religious context I see it as evil )and is very pertinent to this message I see today

  16. deprived and locked out of a sexual cntact:
    3 sums even 30 people at any 1 time.
    over 50ts looking at the top shelve.
    non perverted.
    perhaps preventions of sexual assault
    if you can't pay for it masterbate..
    99% of the population do it 1% lie
    Good day stay safe

  17. It works both ways. Male narcs hate womans, female nercs hate mans.
    To ilustrate my ex gf has guy with wich she was only writing sex stories.
    And that were always in some way she fucking that guy.Abusing him and so on. 
    Of course she was one with male genitalia in stories.And this goes on for over year and counting.
    And yes i have been basically this perfect sexles guy like her dad. When i confronted her about it she told something in context " sex is ewww i can do it with any guy "

  18. I suppose the key word here is extreme behavior !

  19. A dysfunctional N person  advocates social norms or breaks them in dramatic and reckless ways. YET, there are people living in retirement communities over the age of 60 who Swing. They are beyond the middle class expectations of a society. THEY  are trying to get some fun out of life. Is that Bad?

  20. This may be one of the worst parts of it; the betrayal; the identity crisis; the realization.  It really hit me just a few minutes ago; it was random in the middle of a random task, but it really hit me; how on earth can I have ever allowed a person like this into my life?  I did it; I did it!  Why?  How could I be so blind?  I guess it is like telling a child that Santa Claus exists.

  21. Late finding this, but bingo, again!  Just another component of the life with a narc, once they dare to shed their chameleon skin.

  22. I'm definitely a narcissist and it makes me even more proud

  23. i was diagnosed npd, and see the similarities a completely disturbed person who is just looking for faults might see…

  24. Sam I added to a previous response. Check it out,when you have time. Ty

  25. This video is so true. Do narcissists hate to kiss their spouse?

  26. Exactly…other people are objects – all women are whores to him

  27. Yes a different woman everyt evening (whomever wants to have him in his contacts…), bed hopping, wife swapping (espacially having a married woman, as the narcissist is not married – too normal for him!) LOOSER!!

  28. This explains the sex life of a narc woman I know who said she was into swinging and bisexualism.

  29. "what a sad life". LOL.

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