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24 thoughts on “Narcissist’s Reactions to Abandonment, Separation, and Divorce

  1. npd is absolute genius. Anything and everything can be justified by a narc. They're always right even when THEY think they're wrong and aren't wrong. thudcus sn amazing disorder almost an art form of sadism that thinks its masochism. You have to hand it to them. They're very creative in a really destructive way and they're really destructive in a very creative way. their explosions are pretty interesting if you manage to observe from a distance

  2. I just added this video to my favorites so I can re-listen again as I wrap my mind around it. My Narc constantly accused me of cheating & lying. I moved from his home after a particularly extreme rage (he put a knife to me cat as a threat & I was convinced he was going to kill her, possibly me too). He's spent the past several years accusing me of collaborating with his friends against him in some scheme to destroy him sonehow. He can't be swayed by logic or no misdeeds found against him. So now I'm at the No Contact stage.

    I live an hour away from him now. Should I fear him as I'm finally positive I won't be returning to the relationship this time… no matter how much I wanted us to make it.

    He may have had a hand in one or two deaths but I am not able to confirm. He had escaped any charges being filed in both deaths.

    He's scared me many times with the violent craze that comes on him. I believe he's beyond Narcissistic as he seeks out demons for power.

    You are the only able mind I can find. Thank you very much for your videos.

  3. im at the healthy conclusion anyhow wow

  4. Why are we so surprised? Our western culture breeds narcissists, educates them on gaining power and tells them it is un-American to not seek control over others~~watch a foot ball game sometime and see an alcohol impoverished world played out in the name of vanity.  Autistic people are food/fodder for Narcissists.

  5. My covert ex was always raging over perceived slights and did you say windmills of reality? Reminded me how she oft complained that the windmills caused too much wind.

  6. 3:20 he is his own self-generated narcissistic supply…

  7. Hello Sam. I stumbled across your videos on Facebook and Youtube. Your work is enlightening. I am currently no contact with my husband of 10 years. He seems to have all the characters of NPD. He also has been diagnosed to have PTSD/CPTSD and a traumatic brain injury. My question is regarding the topic you spoke on I the video. Is it possible for a him to be using multiple solutions in order to cope with the abandoment. I am seeing and have seen each of these at different times. Secondly how do I protect myself and our children from being further hurt (physically, financially and emotionally) by him. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  8. This description is spot on based in my experience with breaking up with my Narcissist. Exactly what he did, including the family employed to try to gaslight me from a distance.

  9. Malignant envy. That is spot on. They are envious even when you are doing good things for them. My future ex wife is jealous of me when I make a nice dinner and clean the kitchen. I can see her wheels turning. She thinks she should be getting the credit and becomes malignantly envious. They have no original thoughts, only reactionary mimicking.

  10. Hello Sam, after watching your videos I challenged myself and going to challenge you with one question – could it be that in certain phases of a relationship (1. during the relationship crisis which naturally appears in every one of them, 2. when we are slowly figuring out that we are not with the right person) we would tend to see every fragment of the other person's behaviour as narcisstic? When a relationship is not working, there is going to be a phase when we start to see the gaps in our significant others. Their behaviour could be perceived as demeaning, egotistic, devaluating, overly critical, distant or conditional and self-centred. In such a phase of the relationship we could be easily misled that our partner show signs of "a typical narcissist" as our mind set up got stuck on a possibility that our partner is a narcisstic and we start to analyse every bit of his behaviour through this optics. While in a reality it could be just awakening from the honeymoon phase and our own dissatisfaction with the "real" face of our partner which we refuse to accept. Our own dissatisfaction than could deceive us and tries to put a name on something which could resolve itself in a natural course of the relationship either by a breakup or by end of the crisis.

  11. Sam, your videos have been a tremendous help to me. I'm sure the man I entangled with is the hybred narc/psyco per your description. A huge part of my healing demands understanding this train that ran me over. I appreciate your wisdom enough to seek out your book when I get to a larger town. Again, thank you.

  12. My narc told shrinks I had a gun to get me arrested and taken to a mental hospital…. the police got me backout… no hearing, no judge, I was kidnapped.

  13. great points, excellent presentation ….. however conspiracies and email hacking as we know are rampant and real – so not necessarily an indicator of maladjustment unless they are also wearing a tin foil hat and carrying a copy of Catcher in the Rye…. just saying

  14. I am divorcing a narcissit soon I move out due to his violent controlling behavior and he lied routinely. I am shciked i even know him due to all the horrible things he did to me

  15. Can Narcissism be treated?

  16. "Liberated by his own self-initiated abandonment"

  17. I can't tell if you depress me or enlighten me. 

  18. Do you agree that a 'wise man doesn't need to defend himself'. In my case npd father's smear campaign by proxy. As I try to defend myself the finger always seems to point back to me. Do you agree to just keep letting it go in order to move on?

  19. My narc brother is doing this masochistic thing.  He keeps calling me and bothering me.  It's been 5 YEARS!  What do I do? I don't want to talk about his divorce anymore.  I try to limit time he calls me.  He threatens me and tells me he is going to die.  His last ploy is that he's going to come live with me.  I am like no you aren't.  If you want to find a place to live up here, that's your business but you can't live with me.

  20. Its almost 10 years since I detached from my narc sister. Recently I get an email form her trained seal daughter "my niece" dictating to me what I should say to both of them for no condolences on the death of my hoodlum nephew last year.
    What garbage!

  21. Because Narcs make bad decisions and think they are gods, I hope my ex ends up trying to exploit someone out there who in return gets him sick. Karma. Even if he never accepts his fate as his own fault, these "spectators" of his would get word through the grapevine of his demise and then laugh and throw a party. Yay!

  22. if you're not accepted by society but want it so bad, there's no other option

  23. 1. Are the narcissists aware of the strategies,tactics and mind games that they are using on there victums ? Or they use them by instict ?
    2. If i used these tactics and strategies against a narcissist what would happen ? Or in other words would i be able to control him somehow ?
    3.what does it means when a narcissist is detached sexualy NOt phisically from you ?

    I would be greatful by your replience your are such a great people .

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