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  1. Hi, you are describing my ex. He's a covert and is a master of acting like an innocent, whilst gas lighting and lying and cheating. He pretended to be single for a while until I caught him. Now he is free, he is telling people I am insane and the usual spiel. We have not even got divorced yet, and he is already having Skype sessions with somebody we used to work with , (amongst his other ladies). I was floored to see this had happened as she is on my friends list and knows what he did. I also used to think he wanted me to be happy because he said it often enough after we split, but I think maybe that is not the truth. Part of me thinks he is doing it precisely because he wants a one-up on me. He knows, whether I found out or not, that it would hurt me. And I am starting to think that his non-malicious stance is fake.

  2. That is a red flag, opening up about personal things early. That creating a connection, gaining your sympathy and in a way asking for your help (Ben Franklin effect: It is a subtle form of manipulation. Another red flag is when a person speaks ill of another, I always think of speaking ill as a double edge sword, it cuts both ways. Like the subtle put downs the covert Narcs are renowned for.

    Personally, if you are an Empathic person, you would be better are empathic people (The old Birds of a feather, or water seeks its' own level). Empathic people tend to seek a balance, the more extreme Empaths (INFJs) will seek harmony. Empaths make tasty meals for Narcs as empaths tend to be more giving while the narc is more taking. That is why it is important to understand yourself (If you are an empath what type) and keep a tally on the give and take nature of the relationship. Slow things down, I would advise keep sex off the table for a while like 6 months, once that door is opened you judgement will be more clouded emotionally and you will be more invested. Narc like to seal the deal quickly and that leads to another red flag.

    Great video. I did see a video that talked about the benefits of meeting people via different avenues; street, bar, dating web sites and then social circles. The general input was social circles tend to be better as more people have had a chance to vet the people you meet. Having several friends and active social life helps as a Narc will do things to create tensions they solve, be the hero with. More eyes to spot the mask slipping and hopefully good enough friends to let you know their concerns.

  3. Your loveliness makes me want to laugh with a genuine inner joy. It's so refreshing.

  4. lol this reminds me of my ex parnters wife she played this one to the hilt. lol my ex mother in law put it such a good way " oh steven (her childrens father) drug's where just to strong for her , but Jaysons where just right" lol 20 years later jodie still sucking up the just right kinda crack and still creating drama with her kids my kids and flying monkeys she just loves to con.. guess my ex was just the right supply source for this narc no wonder he looks like the crypt keeper 20 years of emotional vampire draining him. lol they really suit each other. Loved it how they both stood in court to seek custody of my daughter vowing that they where drug free and had been drug tested at work ( yeah like it wasnt rigged) both reeking to high heaven of pot . Professional liars


  5. Just the very fact that someone would want to go to someone else to talk about personal issues rather than be seeking a professional who can solve their problems should be enough for any individual with a half of brain to stay away from someone like that. Why should I get entangled in a fucked up relationship or marriage when I could have something healthy? Never trust a person who throws other people under the bus when the other person cannot be there to tell their side of the story.

  6. My covert father would cheat on my step mother , it used to make her cry , she knew.
    I can't stand to see a woman cry.
    My overt GC brother was talking about this other woman and how he had sex with her , I said "you're married , that's cheating" , he said "no it isn't."
    Both my narcs took O.J. Simpsons side BTW. , what?

  7. My narc hooked me in with the "my wife rejected me for 11 years" sob story. Yet he also claimed she had multiple miscarriages (like 7 or 8). So obviously he lied.

  8. I had my share of coming across such vermin. What was initially surprising was how beautiful and talented/accomplished their wives were. Now I know they were severe narcissists and probably envious of their spouse hoping to make themselves feel better by cheating. In their warped minds if they can con two people then they can feel superior. They always fail to see that just makes them more inferior.

  9. Good vid! Like how you make fun of 'em.

  10. This is a common thing that they do, even if they aren't married but have a significant other. They may just be bored, or beginning to devalue the current partner in search of new supply.

  11. I adore your little sign off saying and wave at the end

  12. I think the term is ''mercy lay'' -?

  13. Nice video as always. YOUR TOP SELF!!!!

  14. their favourite phrase is "my wife is too bad with me, she doesn't even want to have sex with me, I think she is cheating on me, we are divorcing" so the target will be like "oh they are divorcing I have a chance here, let me give him what he wants so he'll divorce faster and MARRY MEEEEE THE PERFECT WIFEEEEEEEEEE sad…

  15. Holy eff.
    This is EXACTLY what I just witnessed. Almost fell for it too.

  16. yep, my narcissistic wife has been doing this for years.

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