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46 thoughts on “The 7 Most Common Lies of a Narcissist

  1. Hi, I'm Helene, a 20 year old singer-songwriter who has just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist, which also turned to physical abuse towards the end. The day after, I wrote this song to help collect my emotions and transfer the pain I was feeling into a song that other victims of emotional vampires could also relate to. I hope you can listen to it and share it, possibly even relate to it with your own experiences! Thank you!

  2. if what you say is true. then every human in some way is a damn narcissist

  3. Thank You For Your Videos

  4. and there are some things in here that are accurate I do understand and remember the other opposite of the narcissistic people who are co-dependent so they work together they dance together the narcissist and the co-dependency so I think people have to confront about their codependency and their relationship with their narcissist

  5. I think sometimes we have to be very careful what we say. I know that you are sharing your life of your experience in your relationship but I think there are too many people on YouTube if you're not specialize with a degree in this area these can be everyday common people live and are you saying everybody are narcissists there are people who do truly love their spouse and they may be expressing their love we cannot put a person in a boat and say because someone is on Facebook and there is saying everything about their significant others if they are narcissists I don't think that should be accurate. I do know some people would narcissus characters each person in this world is not perfect and you mentioned earlier about people with God or Christ the Bible says everyone fall short narcissists are normally Everyday People I think some people are on here just to get reviews and get people. and also people who are the military are trained to be disciplined and perfectionism excetera they've been made it to be that way I'm not in the military I have friends there any military. thanks for your review

  6. What's missing here is I don't see any credentials for verification of your claims. Perhaps you have some and I've missed them, I don't know. That's not to say that what you're saying isn't valid, but without some verification of your educational knowledge base I can't take what you're saying with any degree of confidence. KG

  7. Great content, very bad audio. I have my tv's volume up to 81. Normally I have it at 6-12. Raise your recording volume so you can be heard, please.

  8. You are so right about that all narcissist behave almost exactly the same way…as if they communicate with each other before hand or took a "how to be a narcissistic jerk" course together…

  9. Narcissists can be either male or female. My ex-husband is a narcissist, but doesn't even come compare to his extremely Narcissistic mother. I didn't even realize that she was a narcissist until after I left her son. That was when I really couldn't help but see the truth about her. She is a court reporter and is only in it for the power and authority. Which she doesn't get on her own, but she purposely made "friends" with every person that has actual power and authority; such as Judges, attorneys, police officers, etc.
    You are so "On Point" with everything that you are saying in this video!!! I am blown away with how many things pertain to both my ex and his mother..It's scary! Thank you so much for your input/advice and putting up this video.
    I do not believe that Narcissism is genetically inherited. I believe that it is a learned behavior. My ex learned the narcissistic behavior from his mother! He saw how it "worked" for her and how much she was able to control by doing the things she does. He went from hating it to using it. So SAD. SMH

  10. Narcissist basically a selfish asshole.

  11. Hi Thrive.. I just wanted to let you know I ran into a narcissist sociopath. He presented himself as wealthy. I found out from his ex-wife he wasn't. She paid all the bills. He tried to move into my apt. I had him removed. Everyone (all my friends) sent me snapshots of conversations w/ him where he ridiculed me. I got the police involved when he showed up aty apt again. They removed him. it turns out he had a pending charge also. was it scary? Yes. I pointed out to the police all the knives and guns he had and that he doesn't live at my apt, and they took him out forcibly.

  12. ooooooh my GOD! My ex! every single one!

  13. All great info. However, on the "outlandish" stories, be careful. I have lived a very adventurous and eventful life, due in part to being too impulsive (not to being a narcissist, which I definitely am not). Most are due to travels. I have to be very selective in to whom and when I tell some my adventures, as some people who have led very sheltered lives cannot comprehend what I am talking about.

  14. Mine lied all the time.  The original lie was that he was separated and no longer living with his first wife when we first got together.  He was very successful and made about $500k per year…but we never had a penny to our name, he blew it all…drove me crazy!

  15. This woman is my HERO, I keep attracting these people into my life, I don't know what vibe I give off, how do you put up some kind of aura to repell these monsters 

  16. Of course it is a spectrum…. My narcissist did have the military accolades he proclaimed though they were not outlandish… They were "expert". He is an MD, who holds a law degree… (Which were obtained with me as his "partner"/wife. What cracked me up, as in was absurd to me, is he proclaimed himself to be "sexually expert" as he had "sex" before our "partnership" where as I had not… This struck me as absurd because I had experienced "love" that was sensual, divine and "sexual" in nature without being "sex" at all. I was dumb founded as I had no idea why or how a person would engage in "sex" without the foundation I had previously known… Having been raised "Catholic" I was not certain I was "in love"… I just knew I loved how and what I felt and I never wanted my feelings to end or be made "bad" by anyone. Especially, "God" (or society). Therefore, I avoided what my heart and my body knew as my only "proof" walking away (and years later partnering with my "narcissist" because if anything ever went "wrong", I at least knew empathy was lacking from the start. This man held love for me in his eyes though his heart could not reach out and touch my own (as he was so busy protecting his own from further hurt, pain or abuse). What he required of me, was that I do the same of and to my own. Which was excruciating! I had touched his heart (as in he could be vulnerable). What my relationship lacked with him was his understanding of me being vulnerable and my need to be received, accepted and respected. Which is also how I failed myself in my relationship with him. (As this was required of me to carry on as though we were in a "relationship"….) We were committed with far too much of our commitment being toward "opposition".

  17. So this guy was cheating with "hundreds" of other people? How did he find the time to meet them and manage a number of affairs larger than the employment rosters of many moderate sized companies and still have time to like eat, sleep, work, etc?

    Even if the relationship stretched over a decade and it wasn't all concurrent, that works out to a new affair every couple of weeks to get those numbers. The number of men who've had sex with even a hundred different women in their entire lifetime must be vanishingly small. He may have been a narcissist but apparently also one of the most innovative Cassanovas on the planet…

  18. i think this lady is a narcissist.

  19. Good point about military service during we were all more focused on the place we were rather than seeking sympathy for being there. I was only stationed on a fob and never got chosen for a single off post mission. I would jumped at an opportunity to see more than the mud track base that I spent a year on. Certainly other soldiers got different experiences perhaps officers spend more time being creepy than enlisted soldiers, lol.

  20. why just military as a lie? if they go for positions of power/authority/valor wouldn't that include being police or firefighters?

  21. why talk about male narcissist only, most of the narcissist i've known were women.

  22. She sure likes to demonstrate her vast knowledge and almost unbelievable clarity on narcissist. Its kinda narcissistic in a strange way.

  23. Well, I had no idea that antisocial personality disorder was in any way tied to being a narcissist. I find myself fascinated with them but, I have yet to understand why. I have always believed that everyone shared these traits and it was common. Whether or not the majority finds themselves questioning if they themselves are narcissistic; I have yet to diagnose myself. Although, I do find myself sharing traits with an antisocial personality diagnosed individual. I always find myself in a position to manipulate many people but, I know it's wrong so I don't do it. I may have an antisocial personality but, I have a hard time believing it.

  24. Very insightful. Their transparency: beginning cycle, middle cycle…..and he's got you! It would be hilarious if they didn't hurt so many people. What's really funny is when they come up against a narcissist that's better than they are. They get CRUSHED and have the audacity to look surprised.

  25. My narc accused me ALL THE TIME of cheating. I never did. But it was ongoing. I never caught him cheating. It was just a gut instinct. He did the whole gaslighting, rolling his eyes to my son about every word I spoke behind my back. He wanted to pretend to be rich, spending my money faster than I could make it. He would disappear during his "work day" and come home with some ridiculous story. We were married 14 years. When I told him I was getting ready to leave, he started watching mad slasher movies every night and I would wake up to him sitting cross legged on the bed staring at me while I slept. I ran. Been out for 3 years. Divorced for 1. He has a new victim…oops, I mean girlfriend.

  26. Can we talk about honest narcissists like me?

  27. I knew a guy like the one you described. Married with kids, would parade his lover around town, would chat up women in front of her lying about where he lived to impress, but would go wild if she even smiled at another man, would borrow some of my real life time stories and make them his in front of me, would lie about anything, name, age, nationality whatever. Addicted to booze, drugs, prostitutes, gamblng. Would use emotional blackmail to get whatever he could out of people, would get his friends into trouble, would use and abuse people. Extremely jealous and possessive even with his male friends but sometimes would just disappear for months on end and would resurface expecting you to drop everything in a flash. Would go absolutely nuts if you didn't return his calls within a minute of him phoning, would expect you to have your cell on even at night whilst never answering his own cell phone. Very very tough to get rid off.

  28. I had a friend of 30 years tell me that they had a friend who didn't want to meet me because of my "lifestyle" Iam gay and so is he , I very coyly told this friend that since we had a mutual friend we would probably have to meet, the guy is like WTF, never heard of you, never heard of this story, "our friend" is lying to you. our friend then threaten's to "NOT BE MY FRIEND if I didn't apologize for HIS LIE, I took him up on his offer and said "Bye Felciaa"! We have not spoken in 3 years, I still haven't "apologized, OMG!

  29. "I'm sorry for the things you make me do.", "I'm sorry, but you did..", "I had to because you.." My psycho ex-gf in a nutshell; Even now, 3 damn years after i last spoke my final words to her. But that is what blocking, blacklisting and changing phone number is for. Just make sure to burn any mail from her/him unopened if you can't change to unknown address, because it will just contain the same psycho downbringing nonsense, year after year, christmas after christmas.

    (and don't be overly surprised if the person is tenacious enough to periodically try to call your blocked cellphonenumber for 2 years +..while hoping to get trough one day, just to become able to sh*t on you one more time.)

  30. Outing military posers is something of a cottage industry in the veteran's community. If you ever run across someone claiming military service you can go onto social media like FaceBook, pick any veteran's group and post a question. You'll get more help than you'll know what to do with.

  31. You have a deep Christian bend to your opinions which I find to be off putting. As a pagan I can understand other people but for you to disregard that others looking for help is very limiting. If your a "Christain" counselor if fine, it would be nice to know upfront.

  32. it will be fun when the courts are no more and the agents of the courts with their guns are at home protecting their own families. Only then will disagreeing with a woman will not grant her the right to have armed white knights surrounding her to give her the win over the argument

  33. My sister does not look like a Narcissist. But she is– She always tries to control me, she assumed she was my boss. She never does what she says she is going to do- — never. there is always this big gap. AND she tells everyone I am Mentally Ill. Serious.

  34. you described my soon to be ex husband. He's cheated on me so much and when he gets caught lies and won't admit it. he's addicted to porn, very good at sex and has cheated on me with more females than I can count. I can finally see the truth. he constantly blamed everything on me. I can't believe how I could fall so deeply in love with someone like that.

  35. My father and my uncle are narcissist and this video was very helpful

  36. I have no doubt the lady in this video is genuine however ive been watching for 6 minutes and she's mentioned "cheating" several times. Already what this woman has done is presuppose that all loving committed relationships are monogamous. Monogamy is simply one paradigm. And the alternative to that isn't polyamorous. It can be a loving couple relationship with freedom.

  37. Nicely delivered – Thank you: I agree with you!

  38. I can see a lot of those red in so called "friends" or people that were almost devoted to my failure. But I was aware of most of it but because of my low self esteem I still spent with them only to be pulled down to their level. As a result I never dated and did not follow my dreams and were anything but supportive. My own brother was a narcissist and very intelligent and able to manipulate and avoided him until after he got out of prison and was very unstable tried to reach out to me until he committed suicide.

  39. Nail on head! Excellent video!! You're beautiful inside and out, keep up the great work!!

  40. My ex from 2013 gave a wild story about how he met Bradley Cooper in NYC who supposedly just "stole" the taxi he had been waiting an hour for. He then claims he swore at Bradley, who in turn offered to pay for his cab ride. I never believed it, and I was the first person to dump him. An hour wait for a taxi in NYC?! He may as well have just said he saw the Cheshire Cat in the sky.

  41. Excellent program. Thank you! You also asked that we share some of our experiences. Here's a summary of mine – a hard read and a hard one to tell:
    Thank you again for your great work!

  42. Good info. Question: how could someone become Director of Nursing and be crazy nuts? I know evil people can be smart of even geniuses, but anytime someone talks about animals, wild wolf, communicating with them, think they would pay an immediate price of Yikes! I am out of her and you are too.

  43. If a person is in a relationship with a "malignant" narcissist than be careful, very careful.  If they don't outright kill you, they may indeed lead you down the road of depression, isolation and a slow but sure death from STRESS related illnesses.  They are skilled experts at handing out surreptitious stresses.  Nice video thanks, I am amazed how unique these narcissists think they are ~~~BUT~~~ They are actually typical, made to order, messy jangle of poor human qualities and irredeemable.

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