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31 thoughts on “The Aging Narcissist Meets MidLife Crisis

  1. really well articulated description of a narcissistic personality… it sounds like you are describing my father..

  2. this is going to be my narc-father – I think he might be eyeing up one of my siblings as his carer… the golden child…..

  3. Brilliant insight into an aging narc's mind! Thank you!!

  4. So glad you dumped him Randy. Honestly, he seemed gross from the beginning with the characteristics you described. They really go downhill in an ugly undignified way, that's for sure. And their goal is to trick ANYONE to take care of them before the person catches on the Narc couldn't care less about you. It's all about the Narc and their needs.

  5. My ex father-in-laws side of the family (all the brothers and sisters) have all died from Alzheimer's and he's now already about to go. The sociopath brags to everybody that he's living there so he can take care of his parents, but what he's doing is complaining all the time that his narc mother is fainting all over, and that his father keeps him up all night. I don't know what the lazy loser has to complain about, he hasn't worked since 2012 and they've been putting a roof over his head, feeding and supporting him. He just kicks back, watching cable television all day, drinking the beer and smoking the cigarettes his alcoholic sister who lives there too buys. One time he let it slip that it was his turn to punish his father for all the abuse he inflicted upon him when he was a kid. I told him that was his father, he was sick man, didn't know what he doing and couldn't help himself, but I already knew what he was, because of the way I was mistreated when ill and everything he had done and put me through. I survived and pulled myself back, and now I'm doing a whole lot better. I recently saw him a few months ago, and remembered all those "go to f******g hell b***h" he use to just love to tell me with that smug look on his face. Well for fifty-five years old, he looks a disgusting and decrepit seventy-five years old. That's what years of cigarette, booze, and drug abuse does. There still remain, karma!

  6. Your ex narc sound like the twin brother of mine…………….

  7. Aw the kitty. My ex narc just turned 50 and flipped out from what I heard. no money ,no job, raging drunk as well. Lives in a camper with no running water

  8. I can always tell when a video is posted on YT by a woman. Though all my speaker buttons are up full blast, I CAN'T HEAR A FUCKIN' THING!

  9. Your ex was digging for gold in the wrong place then isn't new girl an art major and not going to grad school? He must still be looking. well she needs to know her side chick position is open now haha

  10. Do you think this could happen in early 30's?

  11. I love being A Narcissist/Sociopath, and even better my Husband is A Narcissist as well and we are both Leo's. Most of my friends are Narcissists, I can't imagine having much to do with A Codependent they whine and cry about everything and drive me crazy; honestly I enjoy putting other Narcissists through the wringer, I'm good at that, you Codependents are way too easy and no fun at all. So just for future reference, For every Narcissist there is a new set of rules, remember that it will help you to understand more about us.

  12. it's so freeing to get over a narcissistic relationship. I see some degree of narcissism in 99 percent of both male and female people i know, including the ones in long term relationships. So many people talk of how horrible it was to live with a narcissist without seeing their own pathetic contribution to it all. To truly look at ourselves honestly is the freeing that is spoken of above. We are all conditioned, we are all wounded. This conditioning and wounding creates a need for us to be involved with people who will mirror it, the ones who are the very type of people who helped to create the wounding. Look at that, and heal it, then the narcissistic debate will be one-sided no more. For we have seen our own crap.

  13. 30 year surviver of a severe narcissist with other borderline issues! This is exactly what mine did when he new the end was coming! He went on a Christian dating site while still married to me and secured and brain washed another victim!

  14. I went through that he what me to take care of them he told me it suck getting old hes 54 he kept saying that about his age everything was bother him I left him got tireder of his bs his lies his crap so he went to look for other watch I really don't care lol there funny ppl !!!

  15. i have noticed female narcs start this panic as soon as they hit 30 and try luring nice men into marrige or really try getting pregnant coz they know the badboys they have been having "deviant fun" with aint going to look after their lazy fat/ junkie skinny arses when that shit lifestyle starts taking its toll.

  16. He asked me out of the blue only a month after knowing me, would you take care of me? I looked at this grown intelligent man, feeling dumbfounded, and right away he realized how socially inappropriate the quality and the timing of his question was, so he added, "if I got sick," and I said "yes, of course" just taking it lightly because I didn't want to read into an intimate moment, but I added "why, is there something I should know about?" and he dismissively said, no. If I knew everything I know now, I would have known how telling this question was of who I was dealing with. It was a prelude, an opening line to allow the abuse to begin.

  17. I have been married to one ( wife ) for 18 yrs now ,,,I never understood what it was , so she asked me for a divorce after an argument ,"her way or the highway " ..I said OK then were done .. this was Sept 2015 ..she still hasnt left ..we co-habitate in same house different bed rooms etc . she doesnt work , I told our son to get a job " she enables him to be a bum but has to remind him to do everything including when to eat …they seem to Co enable / they fight & argue as well …he dropped out of school @ 17 yrs old ( against our wishes )…just wants to play video games & sleep …I said that wasn't going to happen she said he can do what ever he wants and she'll support him ….not sure how they will do to support them selves but not my problem any more !
    there's is a sick mental problem ….after seeing all these videos & thought I was alone in this …..

    I am readying to move out ( go live in a truck,OTR been a CDL driver for 35 yrs.) get some money ahead ,get my own place …I went regional & local when we met in 1997..married ..was home more then I found out who I married ….what a mistake !!

  18. It is not easy but I have to do this

  19. I am taking care of narcissistic spouse he is very sick physically right now I've been with them since I was 15and I feel an obligation to him as my son's father we were separated for about 7 years and just recently move back in together for financial reasons he is still A l narcissus but he still my son father

  20. thankyou. just what i needed to hear.

  21. Thank you Randy for your reply…I completely understand & I do appreciate all you share.  :-)

  22. Just asking…is there any reason why you do not show your face?

  23. PS: thanks to all you brave people who are helping me with your vlogs I honestly think I would be 6 foot under by now if it was not for you tube

  24. Ha ha ha yea I was a sure bet, 40 years I was a sure bet, I was such a sure bet the emotional abuse and gaslighting was amped up to the fullest so sure he finally had me so Brocken he got careless and blatant. Yes I was Brocken but I am a strong woman lot stronger than he thought I was, like a old used spark plug I still had a little spark flickering deep down inside which is now a roaring fire.

  25. my narc ex husband told his brother that he was sure I would never leave him, in spite of his abuse. He was shocked when I left him. He didn't see it coming.

  26. Yes. Mine left to find some old lady to take care of him……so sad. So cowardly. He lives as he wants and she cares for him as a old man. He is 15 years younger than her……

  27. I swear our narcs are/were the same person, but that's probably a universal feeling, since they all seem to operate from the same handbook. LOVE your videos! Peace n love =D

  28. You are spot on! I have seen this happen with my soon to be ex MIL, and my own mother ! I know…I'm surrounded by these evil people. Great video my friend, you speak the truth.

  29. Randy you should do a TED talk!

  30. great insights Randy. glad I wont be taking care of a narc in my old age. i got a glimpse of what that looks like from my ex narcopaths father . he sat in a chair all day while his kind gf was at his beck n call. I only met the man one time, but the image stayed in my mind and I could easily visualize his son following in his steps.

  31. i' ve already told mine N, I wont take care of him.But, I will hire a large, ugly, burly woman named Helga to care for him. He thinks I am joking, but I am so serious!

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