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45 thoughts on “The Narcissist’s Enabler – A Moral Prostitute

  1. Wow, brother! You've got this NAILED DOWN!

  2. As usual, smakintosh cuts to the heart of the matter.

  3. it took me years of unanswered questions, the one you talkabout before i realised its better to distance myself, before i could see me for who i am, so sad and joyfull at the same time to know…im not the only one…im not crazy

  4. you should write a book. this was excellent and well thought out- thank you…

  5. What about a pastor friend of the narc, who will not rebuke him for his wrong? but values the friendship more?

  6. This gives me peace! Thanks

  7. Heutzutage verkauft fast jeder seinen Nächsten für einen Judasgroschen. So ganz liberal und humanistisch begründet. Freie Märkte. Das wird belohnt und gern gesehn von allen, die es auch so machen und von anderen fordern. Das nennt man dann westliche Werte und man spricht drüber bei Marcus Lanz. "The man is a prostitute".

  8. STUNNING. You couldn't have expressed this with better words. Thank you, I had been looking for more clarity and understanding on the abuse I received from my codependent parent and family members, after I healed from the narcissist's, but for some reason not much is mentioned on this topic.

  9. Hi S~I just found you and I am happy to find a fellow believer who is dealing w/ this subject.You are brave and I am sure it has come out of much pain.Those who have suffered much love much,but the journey the road less traveled.So many courageous ppl in the comments as well.Gives me such hope and strength…

  10. BS at 10:50; what about the countless Muslim women who are also struck in an abusive relationship.  There is no money in our home; that is part of the narc's abuse; he doesn't want any at the point of major things falling apart; home; cars; bank empty; too lazy to work at this point; because money means I am leaving!!  He knows that.  So, I rely on Corinthians 7:  He has his own bedroom/upper floor; I have downstairs; he uses me as a mother figure; he is the eternal child.  But in Corinthians it states that if the partner is happy dwelling with you and does not stop you from pursuing your faith– to stay with them, as long as they leave you alone.  The damage has already been done; 22 years worth.  I am no moral prostitute; there is NO help out there, especially in small towns; services are very few.  Also, what do you do if the narc has friends in the PD?  It just isn't that simple to get out.  I dare any man to be a woman!!!

  11. I did agree at 6:41; I do not fear the abandonment of the narcissist.  I tried to leave; actually pulled it off, but he and my mother (before I cut ties with her) sabotaged me; ID theft and stalking.  I lost the job, the house, and my credit.  I was forced to move back in with him.  No one would have ever believed me.  I live in secrecy now; I have to pretend, and it kills me!!!  I am far from phony and am rather blunt.  I am forced to take $20.00 here and there in an attempt to save $; jobs are scarce at my age, and would never afford me enough to get away on or live on.  Money is a tool narcissists use to keep their victim under their control.  You have to become wiser then the serpant, but peaceful as a dove–Biblical reference.  I have faith that someday I will live again.  Good luck to you all; you are not alone!!

  12. Some of the old family friends did care, but they were literally hiding from my mother; she was evil.  No one would help me, in fact, I never saw any of them again.  My dad flew away on a jet when I was 10 and never looked back; left me in the situation.  Then, a friend of my mother's asked me to never tell here where their family was and they had moved their son (a police officer) in with them; that is how bad a narcissist can get.  They will do ANYTHING to get what they want.  I was the scape-goat.  I cut ties off completely after countless years of abuse.  At least I cleaned that part of it up.  One step to go and I can finally be free.  $$$$$  of course; that is the problem.

  13. One reason why saying "forget the'past is still continuing the original dynamics of the abuse , as well as accusing them of being "self righteous"..

  14. Have viewed some vids on topic. i get family and other close relationships but wish you would redefine the very si ilarities in the power dynamics that is encountered, in very very tramautic and damaging in more wayxs than one vcan imagine. THIS IS IN A SO CALLED PFOFESSIONAL SITUATION the workplace is where we determine our valud to society economyand our community standards with genuine truth spiritual livinv truth. the narcissist is in reality deamon incarcet . vthe spirit and Lord give kinsight discernment,, and power to act

  15. You have really tried to destroy me with your words!  I must be nothing but dirt under your feet!  For me it was "fight or flight" and as a foster child there was NO way to fight so I went into a shell for my own protection.  At times I actually hid in the forest. I could in no way as a child protect my brother from the abuse he received from the narc foster mother.  FEAR moves people to do things as well as NOT do things.  The food she gave us was not fit for a dog & I know because when I dumped it into the dog dish, the dog wouldn't eat it…. because she put something into the food!  I married a narc because I was well groomed in foster homes to be a narc enabler…. again out of fear I let the narc rule the home.  I knew something was wrong.. but what?  Thank God I was in a no-fault state so I divorced him.  Been so happy ever since and have no guilt except that I should have left sooner (but how could I have known?)  ….and now this video is telling me that I am at fault? …….No sir, there is no fault here.  I am not a moral prostitute! The (positive?) side of this video tells the abused that the enablers are to be viewed as moral prostitutes.  That can be true in certain situations where adults are involved as enablers. There is a term that comes to mind… Stockton Syndrome (something like that) where a captured  gives their mind to their captor (the narc) and becomes an enabler (for their protection).  It is not right… but it happens through manipulation techniques (one of which is fear).  Patty Hurst was a moral prostitute?

  16. Thank you for touching the hurting hearts with His truth. His word breathes life back into us. We then remember clearly to whom it is we belong to…

  17. Cheryl is crazy it's all her own fault, she is brain-damaged, etc.!!!

  18. Yes, Thank God for you and your videos! I believe it IS a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM!!!

  19. I am completely alone. My mother has turned the whole family even distant relatives against me even my own children! Now my daughter is married to one! I was with my narc parents and then 2 narc husbands all my life! I have no one and everyone I meet is like this, a narc. My outlook of the world and people is so changed and I see it all the time now. Are there any good decent men out there for me to have for a mate? is there any woman who will be my friend?

  20. Thanks a lot for sharing this video and speaking out the most uncomfortable truth and horror that some of us have or had to go through in life. Acknowledging this truth is better than most attempts to numb or drug my memory though :-o

  21. People fall under the narcissist's spell because most people can't think for themselves unfortunately.

  22. Love the Bible scriptures here!

  23. For me, I feel more hurt from the enabler's rejection of me almost than the narcissists smear campaign against me. I thought the enabler cared about me and was my friend…….

  24. Brilliant!!! Be careful of the prosperous! They could be a narcissist. I really have to look into this one. This is some scary sh_t

  25. All true. One of my malignant narcissistic mother's enablers is my oldest son. She kidnapped him when he was two so he was "raised" by her. Sadly, because of my childhood grooming, I thought I deserved for him to be taken from me and was always known as a monster by my mother and my whole family; I didn't know which city my son, mother, and stepfather had moved to until about ten years later but what's even sadder is that I didn't figure any of this out until a year and a half ago, which is 25 years after they took him and moved away without letting me know where they were and no way to find out because they were effectively "off the grid". My mother made sure my son would never talk to me again by telling him and everyone else that I had sexually molested him. My stepfather passed away sixteen months ago and a few days after his death she raged at me. That's when everything, my whole life's history, finally clicked into place and I figured it out. I've cut off contact with my family except my son, but he has forsaken me. It's all been so painful this past year but I'm only now able to face that I lost my son 25 years ago forever. What keeps me hanging on is that fact that he is remaining in a relationship with my mother because he has been promised an inheritance, so I keep thinking that after she dies he'll finally talk to me again, but I need to let that go. This is my dilemma.

  26. gut-wrenching.. how my siblings agreed, too. They really thought these ridiculous things my parents blamed on me were my fault. I was sexually assaulted at 15 by a 45 year old man…my dad said it was my fault and he wasn't calling the police…then my aunt told me I shouldn't have said anything… "see how upset your father is?" lol nobody was mad at the man who did it–only at me for disgracing the family by letting it happen, that–is what it's like to be the scapegoat in my family.

  27. Your videos are absolutely brilliant!

  28. Smakintosh, can you do a video about the Golden Child
    of the Narc (I think they're Moral whores too?) & the Lost
    Child?  You got the Narc, Enabler, and Scapegoat so far!

  29. This clip explains family members and friends who have fallen under the spell of my ex narc…….their eyes are blind they can not see………I wish them luck and pray they don't come to me for help in future when the narc has finished using them.

  30. Wow, this describes my whole 19 years married to a malugnant narcissist..
    But i think some enablers are also victims, my kids, but theyve realized what was going on only a few years ago… They despise him as much as i do.. If not worse.
    Ive been divorced for over 7 years now, and just starting to regain my self-worth and dignity back..
    I had absolutely no one to turn to.. Except a call to VIBES helped for a while.. The real enablers were the professional lawyers and legal dept.. What a farce.. And a nightmare 

  31. Thank-you for this phenomenal video. Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you.

  32. Thank you so much, jamie

  33. Kim Linville and Betty will lie and say this is what they are, but they know what is being done, and thoroughly enjoy it!!   I need help!

  34. This is because they are A-holes but that is ok. You can scam and hustle them now. Emotionally underdeveloped it isn't like they don't have their weaknesses and fears. LOL…the boogie monster is born mwahahahaa. They are pathetic looking at them now. Nothing has can string them along…yet there are some that you cut off forever.

  35. Domestic Violence by Proxy
    When a narcissist’s victim leaves terrorist tactics are employed. The narcissists continues to control and hurt their victims through access to their children. “Parental alienation” doesn’t properly convey the criminal behaviours this allows, stalking, harassment, smear campaigning, financial loss, false statements to courts, police & child protection agencies, CHILD ABUSE.  Eventually emotionally torturing the children, severing the bond with the other parent. Hurting & alienating the X partner the children & grandparents for years, often a life time.
    Raising awareness
    The new legally stolen generation.

  36. What I found out is that all the enablers, who turn a blind eye are Narcissistic themselves. There are some that we believe are enablers, but are they really when they really have not a clue what is going on because of Triangulation. They are just as much as victims themselves.

    In my family, They are all Narcissistic and they are all enablers. The only person that I thought was on my side was my Mother. It was all pretend, as behind my back, she was associating with my other abusers., all the while confessing it was just her and I up against them.

    My mother sold her home in Florida after her husband died. I was In Washington State getting away from abuse from an ex but being abused by who I was with in Washington State. When I called her to see if she could help me get back home it was too late as m6y Grandmother who was a manipulator talked her into selling the home and fixing up her home that was falling apart.

    My mom put over 75,000 dollars into fixing her moms home up witrh the verbal promise that it would be left to her. To make a long story short that did not happen as My Aunts her sisters talked my grandmother out of doing what she promised.  My mom had all the paperwork etc were she paid to fix the house that was falling apart up. She was going to contest it. She asked me to move in with her after Grandma died. I refused telling her that if she died they would kick me out and I was not falling for that.

    Then I had major trauma from a guy next to where I was renting stalking me. When I exposed what he was doing he turned the whole town of Waddington Ny against me. My mom said I could move in with her. She said that if she wins the court case she wanted to leave the house to me. Grant you for four years since my grandmother DIED I gave my mom at least 100 to 300 dollars every other week for groceries and for her bills. Plus I paid for her garbage bill.

    My brother the Golden Child and the Sisters who were against her along with her brother turned her against me. She became really crazy at the end. She had me and my husband evicted. She lied to the justice saying I was not paying rent etc and I was living off her. It was just all very hateful.

    After all was said and done she told me she loved me. I told her you lied about me. She insisted she did not. And she tells me that her sisters and her son can not keep me away from visiting her. I was still aloud to come visit her. I told her no it is over. She wanted to give me some things that were hers. I refused them. I don't want her things. My brother and her sisters accused me of being greedy. It was them that was greedy. I was helping my mom out financially not my brother.

    My mom had the nerve to say he could not afford to help her, because he had a new truck payment, he had a new boat payment and a lot of other new toys. My vehicle was falling a part and I had to go without to help her. When she helped me I was required to always pay her back. My brother was not required to pay her back ever. And has children He used to steal from her and me.

    The things narcissists do, what they say, how they act, goes very very deep. There was an agenda to hate, me ever since the day I was born.

    See when I became an adult I moved away from her and had a long distance relationship because I hated how she treated me and how she talked to me like I was a child. One of her saying is I will always be her little baby. I am more mature than she is. She had a fit when she was given a small serving of ice cream which I had to share amongst many servings. She acted like a spoilt brat. She was whining; stomping and kicking her feet in a tantrum. It was truly pathetic at 72 years of age.

    There are so many stories of abuse. I will stop for now. The other postings are true too.

  37. They often are sick themselves and birds of a feather flock together. 

    They did not throw away their morality, they never had since the beginning.

  38. Made first videos, inspired by you guys!!!  10-Q!!!!
    nmim 3 Job Role: Shadow Spouse/Enabling Enabler Dad – Explained in 48 seconds

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