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31 thoughts on “The spineless narcissist (A subtype)

  1. Mind blowing. I almost thought the narc in my life was an empathy but now I understand more after hearing your video.

  2. cant stop looking at your eyes. so bright..

  3. You are very brave and your transparency is appreciated. I've had many questions regarding this very topic. You stated many points I will analyze. I'm sorry Daylight that you have made these realizations. I understand it is painful when a mother is uninvolved and unable to demonstrate love and affection. Here's a big hug from me!!!

  4. very interesting, thanks

  5. What kind of narcissist am i, it doesn't fit any of the categories of 4.
    Teaching you the pathology of narcissism, and it's anthologizing indication. 🙂

  6. I really wish I could give you a hug

  7. This is the WORST kind of narcissist hands down

  8. And oh yes, the "pixie cut", which was of course my fault after wriggling with pain when she was brushing out the knots. As you said, it's as if they were taking notes from each other. Creepy.

  9. Wow. Brilliant, and too familiar. What do you think of the concept of the inverted narc transitioning their role from collaboration with an overt narc spouse to collaboration with their overt narc offspring, as the spouse ages and is less able to "perform" his role?

  10. wow! you just described my parents perfectly…mom being mostly inverted and dad being a classic narc.  yuck yuck

  11. Thank you for this informational video. You are describing it well. For me
    it is also difficult for me to even go there… But deep inside I know.

  12. Daylight out of Darkness, thank you for the insight and you are beautiful.♡ We all reflect and put out who we are and your reflection is compassionate and beautiful, peace ro you sister♡

  13. Why do you look so strange? I never had the time to research the topic narcissists. But it looks paranoid to me. Just from the visual side. Because you soon as hell don't look sane.

  14. Excellent video, thank you!  Recently realized a `friend' is an covert/invert narcissist.  She was a kind of mother figure and I thought she cared for me but these types only want for themselves.  Because my experience has been with overt narcissists it took me a year to understand her motives.  She speaks softly and  has very polite manners but there's no feeling behind her words.  She also has a way of excusing herself from reasonable requests or responsibilities she doesn't want by phrasing a refusal as if she were doing the other person a favor.  I think she may be more invert than covert because most of her manipulative behaviors seem more automatic than deliberately planned.  I haven't and won't say a word to her about it because it would only make her act angry and hurt but I don't confide in her anymore and have very low contact.It's very disappointing to me because she seemed like the opposite of my overt narcissist mother and the sweet facial expressions, sympathetic vocabulary and soothing tones of her voice got me hook, line and sinker.  PS God is love.

  15. I recognize my sister in the pathological envy (coupled with entitlement) and the covert plotting to get to her goals by any mean, but otherwise she's a mystery to me and always was. That makes her extremely dangerous and destructive to me. I call her black mamba.

  16. its always a high risk game dealing with narcissists…wading through the acres of BS and lies…what fricken science fiction story is nex/ dealing with full out lies or at best half truth invention of fabrication delusional superiority…I gues it depends a lot upon your level of recovery from the destruction they already did…whether to call them on it…to finally pay the crimes for it…..of course knowing full well more bullshit will be spread…more g…and flying monkey gangs soaring over your not so dead totting corpse left…since they hadn't quite finished the job///tread lightly and carry ABIG FRICKIN CLUB…f you still have the energy..better yet a bazooka

  17. My mother is an inverted narcissist. She also manipulates and gaslights a lot. I would love to hear your thoughts on gaslighting.

  18. So much good info here, thank you! Lots and lots of lightbulbs for me… I've been researching the covert narc a lot and how their self concept is inflated, but I'm starting to see and understand more clearly the dark side of their enabler spouse as a narc as well, yikes! Overcoming the cognitive dissonance is so very tough to grapple with but at least that's like clearing another layer of dysfunction away to get closer towards healing and detachment from people you realize were abusive… Interesting that both the covert and invert fear exposure of their true selves and have a lot of envy. The inverted narc in marriage is the servant of the covert who has to have their way and can't apologize, very dysfunctionally yin yan:/… I also just realized when watching this.. that the covert narc themself; IS the "supply" of the inverted narc and anything benevolent which inadvertently threatens that, such as a scapegoated child or person they see as competition, is like declaring war to the inverted narc so they lash out with a surprising cruelty that shocks their target because it seems to come from nowhere. The invert worships the dominating covert as godlike but they see their children as inferior and outsiders as threats yet they present everything as rosy at home.

  19. Narc attack = Systematic invalidation

    Recovery = Validation

  20. Very informative. I don't believe I know if I've come across any of these INs

  21. you help me a lot to coupe with lays that were set arround me. thank you!

  22. This is all very confusing for me with my narcissistic family dynamic. I never heard of the inverted narcissist until today. I only knew of overt and covert. But from the sounds of it being covert is completely different than being inverted yet they share a lot of similarities. My Dad is actually the one that keeps getting with narcissists. But I always thought of him to be the more dominating one despite his submissive nature because he's very aggressive when angry and told to "handle us kids" when we get out of line. My Mom always seemed to be more of an enabler growing up but she's very abusive and also very aggressive while angry. But both of my parents hide their narcissistic traits well, my mother is better at it though. She definitely acts codependent in a lot of ways and is described very well in this as the inverted narcissist yet she is controlling in a lot of ways herself and that's what makes it confusing. I don't feel she's an extension of my father and actually has me thinking she may have even been in control of him herself in some ways because she's a very controlling person. She's the one who had complete control over me for a very long time especially financially. She never taught me how to anything, never even gave me chores so I grew up barely knowing how to take care of myself while she belittled me for it. It's confusing because my Dad cheated on my Mom a lot and was obviously selfish but he was always portrayed as the victim especially by her. And in a way he definitely is the victim now in his most recent relationship with my Stepmom who I believe is the classic narcissist. I can't even tell who the victim truly was in the relationship with my parents. And my Mom didn't get with another narcissist next, she moved right on my Stepdad who is actually a very kind individual. My mother is extremely manipulative though and controlling but puts on this appearance to the outside world that she's this humble, generous, people pleasing person. Both of my parents seemed to feed off of each other and be in constant competition with one another. They are both extremely introverted though. It makes me wonder how they even got together because normally with narcissists it seems they are on opposite ends if they get together, almost mirroring each other but this isn't the case with my parents at least as far as I know. I have a lot of studying to do. I thought that both of them were covert, but now I'm wondering if one of them may be inverted.. I read online that inverted and covert were completely different types of narcissists but it seems in other places people are claiming them to be the same thing which doesn't make any sense to me.

  23. thank you so much for your videos

  24. I tried to be the psychopaths friend…unknowing..i just fell ill last niht.l..puked this morning.trying kratom from ptsd shaking. No joke everything i did was mirrored.

  25. I cannot telll if i am one or not…I just got out of a dark triad relationship with a racist psychopath…used me for 3 years..basically he zombie fied scapegoat….white kid…I am terrified…it may be my dad….grandmother is a narc..and my uncle/who was adopted by her..committed suciide when i was 2…i never got to meet him..:(..I cried to my mother about i a manipulator…im sort of unstable..its been 3 1/2 months no contact…there is a history of substance abuse in the family.

  26. What if you left her off the guest list… just sayin

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