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37 thoughts on “Why you should never confront a narcissist

  1. It's very sad to understand your mother is a narcissist.

  2. I have seen this pattern play out right in front of my eyes for the last four years. This is a revenge and envy pattern with narcissists and they will do whatever they need to to "get even" with you for daring to confront, approach, or even suggest they are flawed or need counselling. Robot guy is very wise.

  3. For example which movie are you talking about at 5:30

  4. I'm good today. One day at a time. Malignant narkies can't change. They're not evil, I suppose; unless you call the leopard's propensity to pounce antelopes evil– which I can't. Still, the leopard has an excuse. He's a leopard! He can't know any other way. Narkies, being intelligent humans, can and do. So the best thing for a wayward antelope to do now is…stay out of the woods! Stick to the veldt where the lions are in the open. Thanks, James. This channel rules!

  5. I know how to confront a narcissist; beat the brakes off of them. They'll stop throwing shade IMMEDIATELY. I know, I've done it.

  6. I am glad that i found this channel

  7. Wow, my really old comment is at the top.  Don't I  feel  special?   ahem I mistakenly confronted a narcissist, and quite possibly a sociopath – my supervisor – before realizing what a soulless vicious evil piece of human fecal matter he is.  All because I made a good faith effort to launch an investigation against a married woman he had the hots for (yep, he's also married) for stealing from the company.   He spent almost a year doing everything in his power to get me fired.  Thankfully, I had 7+ good years with the company with no previous behavioral / performance issues.  So, guess what came of all that?  I get to keep my job, and this dirty bastard got a promotion.  There is no 'equal' with narcissists; you are either above them, and they slobber all over you, or you are beneath them and worthy of their disdain.

  8. I think this is a very good video. The only thing I don't agree with on this video is that the victim is supposedly just as responsible for the abuse they are suffering. It can be true to some degree, but I think it isn't most of the time.For instance, what if the abuser is your parent and you are a child? What if you suffered this from birth? Can you easily escape? What is you were born into a family that was involved in a religious cult that engages in gaslighting? Is that the victim's fault? I had both of those circumstances growing up. It wasn't my fault, and I think it would be ridiculous for someone to claim it was. In order to survive such abuse I had no choice but to appease my abusers (this wasn't just psychological abuse it was physical as well). So, I learned to constantly compromise, and to constantly put other people's best interests in front of my own. I became hypervigilant in an attempt to protect myself and my siblings. Unfortunately, when you are forced to hide your true thoughts and feelings in order to protect yourself not only psychologically but also physically, victimizers can recognize this quality in you and they will attempt to trick you into becoming their victim as well. So, in that way it is the victim's fault that they are giving off the vibe of an easy prey; but even this isn't on purpose and if they have been a victim from day one they only know what life is like as a victim so that isn't really their fault. Trust me, many victims are victims because of their circumstances, not because they are stupid, weak, or cowardly. The fact that someone can be a victim of this kind of abuse and survive is a testimony that they are at least in some ways very smart and strong.Personally, I've never tried to confront the abusers or change them, because I could see it was futile. As I became older and had less risk of being physicaly abused, I even stopped catering to the needs of the abuser as much. I knew escape was the only solution. But, knowing escape is a must and having an escape plan is only the tip of the iceburg, you also have to have an appropriate situation to carry out the plan. Anyway, not all victims of abuse are weak,nor are all of them (not even most of them) are to blame for their abuse (it can happen to anyone!). When loved ones judge, pressure, and condemn a person for not escaping immediately it is devastating for the victim and isolates them even further. Victims need to leave at the right time (because leaving at the wrong time is even more dangerous than never attempting to escape),

  9. I stopped focusing so much how to help "save" these type men and have shifted the focus onto helping and "saving" my own life by changing me.


  11. This is truly helpful, thankyou for going to the trouble to make this and share it :)

  12. I have an Idea for a new reality TV show Daughter of Narcissist Mothers.
    The Narcissist Mothers CAN'T know there are cameras in the home.
    Let's make this happen! Contact me!

  13. For 39 years I have been trying to move that 2 TON Boulder… …
    And Nothing, not a budge.
    I finally broke free.
    I learning to be on my own now, Narcissist Mothers abuse in Silence, when others are not looking.
    We need to Stand Up and Take a Stand! No More!

  14. I escaped, but I have to coparent with the narc, I dont plan on the continuous abuse!

  15. they have no empathy……they are not "real people"….I wouldn't want to be one …specifically my ex husband….and I feel sorry for them…but….I don't expect anything from my ex….nothing……except the court appointed alimony..

  16. Lol this is a good way to explain this.

  17. My father is that immovable 2-tonne boulder I have been bashing my love a against my entire life. I know I am damaged, and I know he is a fire that burns me every time I try to come near. And how I have tried! If I could cut my attachment to that monster out of my brain I would, but I can't, and my life is leached of colour because of it.

  18. Robot guy needs to work on his diction. Great message, though.

  19. I think it's a myth that narcissists don't have consciousness. They do! And that's even more worrying.

  20. Thanks CP30….A two-ton boulder would be impossible to move.

  21. THat is bullshit…blaming the victim for the narcissists behavior…AGAIN…I REPEAT, …. blaming the victim for the narcissists behavior…..AGAIN….I REPEAT….blaming the victim for the narcissists behavior is bullshit. LAWS need to be addressed to protect people from narcissist abuse. It is like blaming a rape victim, or a murder victim that it is their fault for someone else's behavior. Pure bullshit.

  22. It is insanity that these people are allowed to get away with this abuse. It is abuse. It is criminal. Why don't our laws protect people against these people? People commit suicide because of narc abuse yet the abusers are never charged with murder because it is murder by narc abuse.

  23. Narcissists truly lead an empty and pitiful existence with a sense of self worth as strong as a spaghetti noodle. Poor little snowflakes.

  24. It's almost impossible to listen because of the computerized voice. Really a pity…

  25. What can you do when their crimes are all verbal? even rape stories and death fantasies? the police dont have much to say? Narcs would enjoy being investigated. kill them by ignoring them…safest route.

  26. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

  27. I will and do confront those bastards everyday to show them their dark nature.   No Contact is best policy.  Their soul is negatively charged….you can't fix them…that is their LOT in life.

  28. "That was just a level five…" Lol!

  29. I nearly felt asleep in less than 10' ! But the message is quite strong and accurate…

  30. the only thing that he got right is ..knowledge is power.

  31. one of the best things you can do is leave, change your phone number, change your email, and any other contact they can access, and tell your friends and family the contact (but make sure they won't tell the person you are leaving) and make sure they cannot find you.

  32. standup to them.assert your authority

  33. Wow I am so glad that I watched this. Thank you for making this video. I can see that what I have been doing, hoping that bywords would bring about change, didn't ever work, it disinfect make things worse. he is always so unhappy, always staring at other people in a restaurant, he says that I'm not beautiful, he says he doesn't want to marry me anymore, he says that will never be able to accomplish my plan for various reasons that he will cite, his adult children hate me, his closest friends hold me in contempt, he has served me bad meat, he has made food for me then thrown it away when I have tried to give some my plate to someone else, he says I spend too much money, he has thrown scissors next to me when he has been angry, he wants me to stay using a wheelchair when I don't need it all the time anymore. I think you're right. Escape. I'll make a plan

  34. Replace the word..narcissist with government…works just the same…