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38 thoughts on “Crazymaking Behaviors of the Narcissist

  1. Question for all of you watching this video or who have watched it in the past: WHat is it that you especially liked about the video that you'd like to see included in future videos. Which topics can I expound on and explore more? Comments appreciated and welcomed!

  2. You hit the nail on the head with narcissists looking for their next supply to use for their personal gain.

  3. is it possible to be a narcissist and codependent?

  4. Excellent description.
    I made the mistake of telling him everything because he "loved me and I was the love of his life"
    They will torment you and then disappear/leave you for new supply

  5. Yep. You are not a wife, you are a drug for these miscreants. Their DNA is damaged. They were rejected by their mothers for a reason. They ONLY connect in Pain, never in Love.

  6. yes…i am the worst person ever

  7. brain studies are showing that they have less grey matter in the area of the brain where empathy lives. they may well just be saying that their parents abused them etc.

  8. DD, I liked this no-nonse video.

  9. Do you just read out of a book in your videos? or are these your conclusions and writings? just curious!

  10. I don't want to go through that again it was horrible!

  11. I am very scared to start a new relationship because my relationship with a narcissist….2 actually :-(

  12. Excellent video! It perfectly describes my experience with someone. I wish I was informed about people with NPD years ago, but now I know. It seems people with NPD are unable to see that the anger, sudden abandonment, and eventual begging to reconnect eventually drives people away. It is truly sick!

  13. What a blessing this video is! Thank you for making this video! I just experienced this with my father, and its been a nightmare in dealing with this and for so long, I have been for so long feeling so alone with him treating me the way he does and in seeing this video, I feel less alone….thank you so much for sharing this information. You have described every behavior he has been doing, and its made no sense to me and for so long, and find it sad that he has to behave this way, seems he doesn't know how to behave any other way…

  14. better go get yourself a pet rock cause the love you feel from that rock is more love than you will ever feel from a narcissist-if they say they love you-it is a lie-they are setting you up for something.they cant love cause they have no empathy-dont care how they hurt you cause they have no guilt /shame/remorse.

  15. Listening to all your videos on this topic is mind boggling!!! I dated this type of man for 1yr. OMG..everything you have said is him through and through. I always thought something was not quite right with this man. At first he seemed really nice but wow when that mask came off, watch out!!!! it happened slowly then just got worse. .I couldn't take it anymore. He is a 52 yr old never married child. He use to be so immature..the silent treatments were unbearable. He was a liar, cheater, storyteller, always right, always puts the blame on others. Always the victim, super ego. Always needed to hear how great he was, selfish..He would say things then when the subject came up again he would say in a nasty voice "i never said that" I started to think he was having early onset dementia or he was just plain crazy. He was a crazy driver with road rage. He was a showboat and was such an ass kiss at his work events that he took me too. I would watch him from afar at an event and just internally roll my eyes. What a bs'er he was.

  16. Oh boy are you right on. You just described a person I was involved with. To a tee. Excelent !

  17. Hmmm. I know narcs that had awesome childhoods. Not spoilt, not neglected….can't blame the parents for those ones and I also know ones who are very charming – at least at first. But you have so many insights I can't put into words. This is awesome. Thanks. =) Good to teach my kids as well.

  18. I was fiercely allergic to fabric conditioner on my clothes.. my mother "forgot"… and poured a whole bottle of it in the laundry.. I was rushed to the emergency room and she laughed.. she never remembered when I brought it up! She always looked back on her life in terms of funny rotten thing s she did to people or that happened to people.. sad.  Narcs are very mean. They treat people like toys and forget them very quickly.

  19. Wow! That's very clear! It describes my mother to a tee!

  20. Yo you're kinda ugly but I dig what you had to say

  21. Some of what you are saying describes me very well, but some does not describe me at all. So, if I'm a narcissist, then I guess there is no hope for me, huh?

  22. sorry, you can't "shame" them my experience…

  23. "Once they found that new supply source it would be like they never knew you…" Agreed.

  24. these are the oddities of the relationship that I couldn't describe the cutting off disconnect, in the end it was cruelty and because he had no anxiety he was able to appear calm but if I touched a cord in what was actually going on he would show terrifying anger towards me then pick me up and tell me everything was going to be fine, when he totally lost the plot he was sadistic towards me and never once reflected on his behaviour, yes and a photographic memory.

  25. Wow. Im going threw the disconnection phase now i believe. Were both quiet until his temper flares. Everything is all about him. He uses money as a tool. And mental and physical abuse to get his ways. Im in a midst of what to do. I do love him and just read up on narcissistic behavior. I actually let him listen to a few videos with me. In which he said nothing about. Just went on like we never discussed it. Ive lost all ties to friends and family. I have nobody to talk to. So this was a big help. Thank you

  26. Boy, you hit the behaviors right on the head!!! Thank you for this video.

  27. You're very wise. We never knew THEM. God bless you.

  28. I pointed out observational objective behavior without judgment and He flipped out and called me all kinds of names, says he doesn't love me when I stick up for myself or create a boundary or point out his lies. He only loves me when …. he can control me? That is messed up. He will side with a stranger about ANY issue against me and he invalidates everything I say and when a third party expert validates me in front of him—he pouts, refuses to talk and makes a childish pouty face. Weird. Dysfunctional.

  29. Realtruth. Judi Grace StoryCorps. thank you.

  30. i believe that i had two friends that had this. one i am friends with now. its been really hard. they always accused me of "lying" about things. but they were always lying. i was a friend with benefits with them. and they just told me recently that they could barely "do" things with me. like sex and stuff. and they said that they lost this years ago. but they lied to me, and told me that they wouldn't be able to do things with me if they were not attracted to me. and they then said that because of my weight, and that i wasnt attractive i wasnt hot, and so on., that they couldnt do things with me sexually. and then they threw in my face that they had so many "hot chicks" wanting to have sex with him.  and that he like a really "smoking hot chick". it really crushed me. they said "maybe when they first met me they were attracted to me".  i wanted to know the truth. i wanted to know if they were ever attracted to me, if they ever liked doing things (sex) with me or was it a lie? i tried to talk to them about this. and they refused to answer me.  i tried to be really polite about it, and i just wanted to know the truth. they called me a moron. and said that they already told me. but they didn't tell me. and that they didn't want to talk about it anymore. that i wasnt going to get what i wanted. and that everything that i ever did with him, when we were hanging out, having sex, etc… i could no longer talk about it with him, and that he wanted to "put it in his past".. and that if i ever mentioned it… he "wanst going to be friends with me".  and get this… he said he would call up a counsiler for me to talk to about it. but he wouldn't talk to me about it. he also said that i caused him to want to say mean things to me.????? i couldn't believe that someoen that said that they loved me as a person and cared about me would say something like that to me… i just and still can't believe it. i know that he has found a replacement, a "trophy", and now i don't know, i guess he's acting like this because he found what he really wanted and someone how i "deserved" to be treated this way? ive had a lot of things happen to me in my life…but hearing this conversation today, was one of the hardest things ive ever had to deal with. i just don't know what to do.

  31. That is exactly how I felt too. He was patronizing me, even though I am 45 y.o woman. He told me that I have to be punished… not explaining a cause. That was a strange behavior. Down the road …there was many other strange little things about him… He always kept me in dark, never gave complete information about things , events, people. He gave me only his version about what he wanted to talk. He talked, texted in fragmented sentences..that kept me too in a fog. He never talked about his ex girlfriends.. or family . He never told any negative information about himself or family members. I felt like he was in competition with his brother all his life. His brother is normal, but my Narc everybody who know him try to avoid.

  32. narcissists are NOT abused people . even this , they say . maybe one or the other , can be . but they are NOT abused & co . i was raised being devored by one in the family . she destroyed everybody around her . and became a real ' borderline woman ' , and , of course , lost my identity at the age of 4 YO . i am looking for some identity through therapies . where i can find myself outside myself . where i can see something from me . NOT , as some ' pseudo spirituals ' say .

  33. This is scarily accurate. shudders

  34. How painful is their smear campaign when they start to turn your friends against you? There must be some manual for scapegoats…
    Thanks, great video

  35. do you think that fanatc followers of religions are narcissists also?or codependent?

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