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28 thoughts on “Fighting The Narcissist In Court Is Feeding Their Supply

  1. I'm settling a property matter after being 20yrs divorced and no financial help from narc. He wants half even though he has never contributed and our children are adults. I've tried mediation and he thinks half is more than fair! In this situation is it worth going to court?

  2. Excellent topic!   Good video!

  3. Thanks for your solid advice dude….keep up with great advice and tips you give us to help us recover from these dirtbags and their tactics they use against us…..unless you hear it from someone who has gone through it,like we have, you would not believe the damage these people inflict on others….best of mental health to you my friend…

  4. The documentary Divorce Corp (2014) describes that very well.

  5. Just released 10 videos beginning the Lawless Family Court series exposing the illegal activities of judges and lawyers that people do not understand well. Please pass the word as it is another stake in the heart of this dying, evil industry which is destroying our children and society for profit.

  6. Very concise and to the point.

  7. "…they get rich off of your misery",,,. (…"lawyers")….

  8. But a restraining order is often needed….Even a narc cannot beat a restraining order after death threats they make on the phone.

  9. Narc mother dragging me through court as revenge because I made the mistake, in anger and frustration, of directly confronting her over her abuses and crimes. She has more money than God and I have nothing. Stay out of court with these people if at all possible. The lengths I am going through to assure that this evil woman can never find me again! Word to the wise: No Contact. They will not change, they will not "come to their senses", they will not soften or become repentant and aging only exacerbates their evil. Your narcissist will not be an exception. You have no obligation, morally or otherwise, to endure one more second of abuse. Save yourself.

  10. Thank you for the video- exactly what I needed to hear. My soon to be narc ex-husband is drawing out the divorce. You're right, I need to settle it and move on- the sooner the better. He already stole too many years from me. No more!

  11. Excellent! I have really learnt a lot from your insights. Thanks for sharing, dude. You are making a difference. This narcissism problem is rampant…I didn't even realize. Keep up the good work. Peace to you.

  12. lawyers DO want nothing but billable hours ….  Narcs. DO get excited about the conflict…..

  13. Fight that cunt with everything you have, to the death. OR — try to forgive her… Jesus saves.

  14. Thank you, extremely helpful. God bless!

  15. I think this is truly exellent advice .. thank you so much Matthew, I realise things sooner or later, in my case later .. that's just the way life goes

  16. Family court IE FemiNazi court is full of shit.and totally bias.

  17. U look great!!!healing time..God bless<3

  18. I wont go into the details, but I am in this position… I need to fight for an inheritance ($$$) but my sister is a crazy vicious narc.  I mean soulless. Within hour of Mom's death unexpectedly she was setting up trying to get money and manipulating stepfather to keep me from even talking to him … her evil shocked me.  but I want away from her not sucked into more contact through court. so ????

  19. Narcissists are master manipulators. This is a great video.

  20. Any clue how a narcissist will act in criminal court he violated our restraining order n I cant find any info on it im writing letter to judge also got 4 others including my counselor who were harassed writing the judge as well I just curious cuz I know he is dangerous and im wondering what to expect uhhh so nervous im assuming deny deny deny blame blame lie lie is how it will go? 

  21. ADVICE stop making this video so freaking long its annoying

  22. The Narcissist in my life, lives by the lawyer. knows the law inside and out. uses every legal trick to keep their victims dependent on them, even after being investigated by state authorities. The only thing I can do and it works very well is to keep myself busy with work and a personal life, because that way when they interfere I have the legal right to call the police on them, and I have.
    all that does is keeps this individual from screwing me over, the harassment increases, but its shallow and can't really do any harm, other than getting on my nerves.

  23. I never truly realized what absolute miracles I got due in my divorce in 2008. The judge ordered mediation (ordered my ex to fly in) and at the "final" after chewing out my lawyer (I added a sorry too) he stopped, smiled sweetly and told me I did nothing wrong. Wow. Pure gold. Guess that doesn't happen much.

  24. Im watching thank you for what you talk about.

  25. based on my experience, I have to say you are bang on

  26. i got the answer CULL all of you people abuser and abused and put an end to this nightmare in the gene pool for unlike gays who are fine narcissists will stop if they are all culled quick. They need to cull so cull these people god if people only knew and the fact you dress as you do for your videos sort of a combo of homeless drug addict slum dweller filled w rage and scary look like you could snap any second where as old Sam Vankin seems normal not normal precisely but you have not recovered or you so far gone you cannot appreciate the way you present yourself is WRONG or manipulative.

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