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42 thoughts on “How to Torture a Narcissist in 10 Steps

  1. loved this video.  although the warning that ''this wouldn't be good 4 our karma'' is quite ''good'' it would be worse for us  if we let a narcissist destroy our feelings just because he/she wants to (viciously) do it. but, despite of this comment, the video itself and advices are very practical and down-to-earth.  Thanks!   GBY.   (^_^)

  2. this info is A1..real talk, so very much needed rn

  3. I have a better idea how to torture a narcissist: ACTUAL torture!

  4. I had a narc boss rant and rave at me the first month on a job. While she was basically tearing me down, I just kept saying "I'm still listening.." in a very monotone voice. Drove her NUTS.

  5. Wow, I wish I knew this before I realised I was involved with a narcissist. I do believe that treating others how you like to be treated is the way to live, you just have to be incredibly discerning to pick up their traits until you know them a bit better, then it is like you get trapped in this cycle. I want to forgive them, but they really don't have a heart for anything other than their own needs, everything else is superfluous to them, including the well being of their partner. There are narcissists in my family, and I have gone over myself with a fine tooth comb to discern my own narcissistic traits, but these days, narcissistic behaviour is the new black. We are all such sick fucks, the standards of human behaviour have dropped so low, that even common human decency is lauded as a wonderful thing.

  6. If you are in the same room with a narc….and if they say something off course…Say ..REALLY??…and then leave the room…..and don't go back in where they are for about 20 minutes….and if they start the same B.S. again…repeat if necessary…..

  7. TBH I have no time for this. I have my new house and I will leave him so that I can move on with my life. I wil not feed that troll any longer. The best solution is to leave him/her and heal yourself.

  8. Some of these woukd also screw with someone with very low self-esteem.

  9. why not say "I love you too"? just curious.

  10. How to torture a narcissist
    Step 1: become a narcissist


  11. karma what is that supposed to be ? payback from a cold dead universe sounds like . I have a better plan get the teachings of the creator of the universe Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus King of Kindness Kings and Lord of Lords and you have a narcissist shield forever.

  12. I'm all for justice/revenge since laws don't protect victims of narcissists. But all of these ideas include continuing to allow the narcissist to participate in your life.

  13. A person who is empathetic will not find joy making someone else miserable. This video is encouraging victims to act out narcissistic abuse tactics. Why would anyone encourage victims to behave like a narcissist? don't you think acting like this will confuse professionals when a victim tries to get help? Hey abuse victims, put your efforts into self partnering instead of wasting energy on revenge and prolonging your suffering.

  14. My Narc mother is lucky she is not still alive — that's all I have to say

  15. I am starting these 10 steps as soon as he is back from his trip.

  16. Sad advice from a you tube doctor……

  17. not sure I like this presentation. goes to fast for me to read. PLUS I don't want to waste any more time with that narc. KARMA IS A BITCH. But, I didn't get much out of this video.

  18. A lot of these are just petty, just as petty as a narcissist, better off just avoiding them, and moving on with your life.

  19. Ignoring them works too..they hate that

  20. Yes by laughing at their nonsense!!

  21. I say Yes to your question, I did get back at a narcissic, more than one time.
    By sending him back to his dads, blocked his calls, I got mean verbally, telling him to go away, he was taking to much energy, i didnt need to be around him every day…
    Just ignoring him a few dayz and see him go crazy. I called him narcissic unstable, filthy inside..
    Was fun

  22. omgosh I gave my narc a 2nd chance after all this hoovering. Now I'll have to go "grey flat rock" again, which will trigger mega=hoovering maneuvers again, his tempting me with the high of trips and romance. I hope I get off this coaster this time.

  23. I do not agree with this at all.  If you are in any type of a relationship with a narc, esp. a romantic relationship, you must get out and go NO CONTACT.

  24. Title should be – how to be a narcissist

  25. My dad is like the biggest N's ever he and my mom got divorced after he tried to physically abuse her. They were together for 9 years and everything was my mom's fault. He always tried to get under my mom's skin one of the things he did to get at my mom after a fight about my mom being pregnant (with me) he skeemed to not pay attention to my birth he sat in the waiting room the whole time playing his game boy and he didn't hold me at all the whole day. The next day at the hospital… (it was an emergyency c-section so we (me and my mom) had to stay at the hospital for 3 weeks ,I almost died because my heart rate dropped my dad didn't know and still says that I had a perfect birth but I had jaundice and I was a yellow baby) he said that it was my moms fault he didn't want to be near me was because i was her DNA too and that he hated me and that I was a mistake. Later on I barley knew my dad because he played video games and went out with his friends. He said that my mom could not go to college because he wanted to go, he cheated on his online tests and he didn't even do what he go his degree for and said it was my mom's fault for being so needy. When we got puppies he wanted to get at my mom for a fight about one of them peeing on that floor and that it was on his socks he ran over the puppy with his car "accedentillaly" said my mom who made excuses for his behavior. when they got divorced he tried to take us but he didn't get us luckily and we were living up north happily and hadn't seen him or heard from him in 2 years and he said he was married and had 3 step siblings he wanted us to meet. We never met them before and we weren't invited to their wedding (which was my mom's fault said my dad) so he went to court and because he has legal rights over us too he made us move to the south of the state and we had to get rid if 3 horses 7 cats and 2 dogs and a bunny (I love cats). Once we got their in our new apartment me and my brother shared a room which was apparently a problem and made us move to his house until my mom had a place where there was a room for all of us guess what when I as their I shared a room with my sister and brother by the next week my mom got an apartment where we all had our own rooms and so we went their week on week off it was scary and horrible i was punched in the face by my step-brother Elliot and was bitten by Tina many times many bruises and cuts and I swear that Cinderella had it better finnaly my dad decided he didn't want to see us again two months in and they moved to illinois and then they went to court and then he wanted us to move their the court found that he hadn't payed enough for child support every time he would only give half of half of whats required. Then he dropped the case and made us come every other weekend from right out of school and drive their every other weekend and some how it was all ways our fault when something went wrong. Then all of a sudden we didn't have to go their and I over heard my mom talking to he boyfriend about that my dad sexually abused one of my step-sister and he ran off and nobody knew where he went he turned off his phone canceled all his credit cards and then he quit his job. Now I haven't seen him since and I over heard that the cops are still looking for him. I think he went to California to live with relatives though his world fell apart aparently he had commited drug crimes and underaged drinking that he made go away now he is not allowed near us and I am the only one of his children that knows what happend and I can't tell my sister or brother I am the oldest at 13 I just turned 13 on June 2 and I was thinking a lot about my family and how he affected my whole life and how he tried to make it miserable. I was the one who told my mom that she needed to divorce him others had but she relized to herself that her 8 year old (me) just told her to divorce her dad. This is only the tip of he iceburg of that he has done, I would be certainly a different person now if he wasn't in my life but I appreciate these things in a way they made me learn that life is hard and that we shouldn't cry over thing such as a toy breaking because it's just a toy and that we should appriciate the things we have. It makes me realize that I have a great life compared to millions and that we should help others and not use them to raise us higher we need to love one another and we need to help each other, we could be one great force working together or we can work to destroy each other I belive every person matters

  26. How do you know if your the Narcissist?

  27. What about the title: "How to release the spiteful angry bitch in yourself and beat the narcissist in his own game". How about stop dwelling in your victim role and realize that there is something wrong with you for attracting the narcissist in the first place. Stop acting like a 5 year old and have some respect for narcissists, these people like codependents are constantly reliving childhood trauma. Just move away, no need to lower yourself to their standards and hurt them in order to feel better about yourself. "Certified life coach" my ass.

  28. You ought to change the title to How to act like an  NPD DB.

  29. I like info/knowledge. I am just gonna say it… you must be a narcissist yourself. WOW!

  30. i got the over reacting down pat…lol

  31. Yes, keep busy so they won't bother you.

    Yes, again; I do keep my distance.

    Great video.

  32. I think that there are 3 basic ways: don't give them any narcissistic supply, go no-contact, and go gray rock if you can't go no-contact at the time. Goal: Go no-contact. They crave their narcissistic supply so make sure you don't become their source of supply.

  33. I don't want to turn into a narcissist by acting like a narcissist thank you.
    That's just stupid advice.
    It maybe the only way to survive if you have to live with one but it's soul destroying at the same time.
    It's a torturous position to be in but to follow your advice is suppressing your own true feelings and emotions to such an extent that you become dangerously close to becoming a narc yourself.

  34. What is the difference in you and the narcissist if you do these things. These exact things are what they are alwats doing. Everything is a game to them.

  35. i m sorry i hate to read

  36. So you re saying i have to torture ANYONE? If you say you are the victim you may be allowed to feel sadnes but revenge is a narc thing lol

  37. Wow! that looks like a narcissist handbook, if you don't like what a narcissist does to you then why copy it? Horrible advice and can put people in real trouble and i mean physical trouble as well. Why destroy your own soul by discarding good emphatic feelings and transforming yourself into a Narc? If situation is horrible and you can't handle it, get out of it. If you stay then you need the courage and strength to find out the reasons behind the narc behaviour. Most probably than not, it comes from learned "lessons' from childhood. If you want to change the situation the first thing to do is to go to a psychologist or counsellor, the changes start when you start changing yourself in the first place. You can't do same things and expect different outcomes. You need to change yourself first, you need to change the situations that has allowed the narc to inflict harm to you. And then slowly but surely things start to unravel and like when you pull from a ball of wool the tread will follow. Acting like a narc won't teach anything new to the narc, like they say 2 wrongs won't make a right.

  38. So treat them exactly how they are going to treat you. Heh. Irony

  39. I was in a relationship with a narcissist who insisted I move in with him because (long story) My soon to be ex was not keeping our house up, it was falling apart, it was full of fleas, etc, etc…. So I do. First, I enjoy watching the show "say yes to the dress" and he would watch with me. we began to joke about the fact that I could not bring myself to say wedding dress or engagement ring, so he started calling them the "most beautiful dress" and the "most beautiful ring" (that a woman will ever wear) MBD & MBR for short. he was like my soulmate was like love at first sight, like, he was "the one" fast forward about 4 months later, it's coming up on our first Christmas together. First he tells me he's on call Christmas (he worked for a security company answering and troubleshooting alarms)I was a little sad, but didn't want to make a big deal of it. Then he kept repeatedly saying "NO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, LET'S SAVE THE MONEY…OK.. REMEMBER NO PRESENTS" And I remember thinking isn't the first Christmas where you go overboard out of newfound love?? So I just mumble OK, but in the back of my mind I keep thinking he has a surprise up his sleeve. Christmas day, I had gotten him a few small things, like a tshirt, a coffee mug, like that. he got me a big card. my name was on the front of the envelope and all over the envelope he had written the words MBR (most beautiful ring = our lingo for engagement ring) inside, caution: MBR, do not crush MBR. But the card was flat, so I thought OMG! when I look up from opening this card he's gonna whip out a ring & propose. well, I opened the card and inside the card, in big letters was written JUST KIDDING HAHAHAHA. MERRY CHRISTMAS…… OMG. then we had no turkey or anything to prepare for Christmas dinner, and of course, he gets a call from a "customer" and has to go out and make a service call, leaving me and my 14 yr old son (who had come to visit) home alone on Christmas. Finally figured out he was cheating. but here's the kicker.. he was meeting this woman for the first time in person that day, CHRISTMAS DAY, She was Chinese (they don't place that much emphasis on Christmas, she was Buddhist) When I confronted him with it, he kicked me out. but he got his. I had to continue living there while I looked for an apartment.  One Saturday nite he told me I had to get out for the day the next day as he wanted to bring her home. I was planning to visit my girlfriend anyway. next morning  he got up and left as i was getting ready to shower. I noticed that ALL traces of me were removed from view. I found them and as he was already gone, I put everything back, BUT this time I put the pics of us in prominent view, left a big note thanking him for the great sex the night before, etc.  Then My phone rings and it's john and speaking very business like, says i thought you were going out, I thought you would be gone, I see you are still there….. OMG, he must have already picked her up and was watching the house. (found out later, they were parked down the street) So I hopped in my car and left in a hurry. When I came back home a day later, he was at work but I found all my things thrown everywhere and the pictures broken, the glass shattered all over the closet where he threw them. By then, I was no longer sleeping with him, I was sleeping on the couch. Well one night I must have gotten up to use the bathroom and half asleep went into the bedroom and climbed in on my side of the bed. when I did, I heard his phone drop on the floor. Knowing he also uses it for the alarm to wake him up for work, I go pick it up and put it back on the nightstand. when it fell the screen lit up and there was HER text screen, which of course had her number. very easy to memorize. I moved into an apartment shortly after that and texted her. After the second text, she called me. she spoke broken English and was very nice and asked "do you want John" and I said are you kidding me I only texted you because I wanted you to know and didn't want him to use your good nature like he did mine. Then all the lies he was telling HER about ME came tumbling out from her like rain. As we hung up I started counting the minutes  cause I KNEW I'd be getting a phone call. No more than 20 minutes later,  John called me & he was  LIVID, screaming how could I do such a thing, etc….. SHE DUMPED HIS SORRY ARSE!

  40. There's no such thing as karma. Idiot!

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