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9 thoughts on “Miss Narcissist – Courtney Love (with lyrics)

  1. the only decent song shes done tbh

  2. everyone lacks something we might all have good traits but there has to be one bad trait she's brutally honest about herself I think she might be talking about herself dont forget fame messes with your head too it seems more to do with herself and fame

  3. this song was better when it was called "Polly"

  4. How can you talk about your own child that way. I have one, I just don't get it. I don't know why she's surprised Frances doesn't want anything to do with her, she spent most of her childhood drugged of of her head. Yeesh.

  5. the lyric should be "stole all my hostility"

  6. Great song! I hope to hear more from her!

  7. Yeah Miss Love is back! I love this song has such a catchy rythm

  8. Lyrics look like she's talking 'bout Frances

  9. yes first comment best stuff in ages!

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