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26 thoughts on “Narcissist Attention Seeking

  1. It's scary how accurate you are bro. You are describing my wife perfectly. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into these videos man. Very frightened and alone at the moment and these videos are a much needed source of comfort.

  2. you need to make your video is landscape more turn your camera on its side before you start recording your videos will look better in YouTube just trying to help

  3. socially a narcs only hobby is happy hour, clubbing and drinking… no matter their gender or age. clubbing… is like a priority even at age 50

  4. why is the narc so hateful towards me when he has way more money and fame than me?

  5. It's so true what you're saying about thinking everyone is a narcissist, it seems like it, I was watching a video about active codependent, and I finally realized that this is what my ex really is, I think he does have narcissist trails, and I'm starting to believe that everyone does .

  6. Makes sense. My Narc works at BJs…

  7. You hit it right on the nail. My ex girl, did everything you said in all your vids.

  8. in my relationships with a narc there was always a competition and it seemed so silly like a children game, for exaple he always pointed that he's a better photographer or that his mom (he's 41 and lives with his mom) cooks better and that I;d never reach that level, I was always devalued for something, how true is that. Thanks for your videos!!!

  9. You my dear are brilliant!

  10. I was thinking lately about Prince after watching a lot of the videos that are now available on youtube since he died. And it seems to me he was a classic narcissist. He was extremely shy/arrogant and flirted with all people interviewing him male or female. He was about gaining 100% attention 100% of the time. So I think that attitude creates people who either totally love you like ''yes'' men and enablers or people who cant stand you and see through it. He 'love bombed' in all his relationships. For eg with his wife Mayte, the first time he saw her he said " There goes my wife!! ".Without having even met her. All his relationships seemed hyper-sexualised at the start and then never lasted long after the woman realised it was his way or the highway. At least 3 of the women he dated revealed later in life that they had been sexually abused as children, therefore were also hyper sexualised which would have been the main attraction at the start of these relationships but then fell apart as soon as anything real kicked in. Also being surrounded by yes men and enablers…keeping everyone at arms length or on a sexual basis is what eventually caused his death… in exactly the same manner of Michael Jackson where there is just no one brave enough or with enough power or influence to tell them to stop taking pain killers.

  11. This is probably the best video I have ever seen about this subject. You just described my ex narc down science. You just propelled my recovery light years. Sincere thanks you for what you do man.

  12. Your videos are exellent. Thank you so much! Answers when I really needed to understand what ive been through, I struggle understanding why with all he said he needed in life, i helped him have. yet I wasnt good enough, and he was envious. Yet at the same time admiring. A very twisted confusing experience. I will never fall into it again. All I gave,and gave emotionally and it meant noting after all.

  13. I enjoy watching your video as it reminds me so much of myself :-D

  14. You are awesome. your videos are amazing. I listened to this one at least 3 times today. Having left a horrendous narc only a month ago, it really helped me realized so much and finally get it. It hit so close to what I went through. it's hard to believe there are several people with the sickness. It's a scary reality since I blindly allowed one of those monsters into my life and gave several chances to, until I finally had enough and knew this was not happiness, nowhere even near, nor ever could be. I was dreaming, and also being sold such a lie. And finally realized exactly what he was to his very core. A narcissist. And go figure….we met on an online dating site. my first time ever hesitantly trying out an online dating site. It's a perfect playground for baiting and hunting the good hearted, as he did with me. Every single word you said in this video as well as others I experienced with this person, it's scary..
    But every dog has his day 🙂 AV

  15. OMG…this is so enlightening!!! This explains so much about my ex!! I think he only dates Black women for attention. We got tons of attention..Double for him because I'm pretty and I'm Black!!! wooowww! He tried to say that I made him like that, but oh no!!! it's the attention. I constantly felt like we were competing and when I mentioned it to him, he more or less agreed with me and I had to tell him to STOP. He can't stand to be alone-we've been broken up almost a year and he has gone through 2 and currently on his 3rd gf!! she hates me and so does he. I do notice that whenever I tell him something looks good or delete this pic, don't wear that..HE WILL ACTUALLY DO WHAT I SAID..IT WAS/IS SO WEIRD.

  16. as usual you are brilla

  17. This is sooo true. He told me he dates many women and when I did not respond after drumming this for a while ( I wanted only casual) then he realized to get my attention he had to switch and say I am a one woman man bla bla. Gosh this man makes me angry and I am glad I am on no contact. smh. Never ever will I let a psycho eat me up.

  18. It's embarrassing to watch them sometimes when they go into showman mode. They get super hyped up when the spotlight is on them.

  19. this was so my ex husband. I felt like he was always competintg with me

  20. These videos have really helped me man….Thank God you exist and opened my mind from the illusion which is the Matrix of the Narcissist. Thank you Assc DIrect Morpheus.

  21. Should I block this person.

  22. OMg I wish 'I would have seen these videos along time ago.

  23. Thank u so much I been watching all ur video for all month now,it's been so helpful

  24. you nailed it!! Thank you..Big Help to me.

  25. what can I add to this. it's like u have entered the narcissist mind. they are this way. they are so pathetic, frustrating and draining, immature, contentious, deceitful, manipulative , disloyal, untrustworthy, unloving, violent,slanderous, abusive ,arrogant,users ,pathological lying, sociopaths. Run far far away from these destructive inhumane beings. They will hurt and destroy you. There is no truth in them. Pure sadistic evil. They are of their father the devil. God help them.

  26. My Narsi stalks dating sites looking for his new victim.

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