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21 thoughts on “Secret Tactics of the Narcissist Smear Campaign

  1. yep. yep. most of my friends mom slept with them if they refused she would accuse them of trying to sleep with her

  2. A lot of good ideas here. Thanks.

  3. my mother was a hoarder too…I never invited any one over…too embarrassed…she also made me the butt end of her dumb jokes about the dumb things I did when I was little… 🙁 I married someone out of state and left.

  4. This is SICK but true. In my case it was not a parent, but a 'friend' who tried to pull the very same tactic regarding the fake 'surprise party'. She had told one of my friends to take my address book so that she could arrange a surprise party in secret. Luckily she never got a hold of it. I could tell that she was plotting something evil. Glad she was NOT successful!

  5. What's worse is that if you unknowingly attract even more Cluster Bs into your life they will actually gang up on you. They can only empathize with other Cluster Bs. You may wake up someday and realize that every relationship you have is with toxic people. I had this happen and now I am dealing with my child who is at the age where she is on the line and can stay an empath or become Cluster B. Most of the people in her life were Cluster B. Hopefully with her mom learning everything she can about it, her mom trying to educate her, eliminating all the toxic people we can and teaching her healthy behavior and thought patterns the child will be fine. I hope. I may actually have to go no contact with my own child which saddens me to no end.

  6. James this happened to me as well. My mother found out by my sister who was the golden child that I was dating a guy at a church I was attending. She started attending the church, got the guys number behind my back and told him lies about me and my past. I found out that this guy was a narc too because he started abusing me afterwards and sided with my mother. This guy was a preacher in the church and was very evil. My mother thought it was funny that I was hurt and mad about it. Now I know that she was using him as a flying monkey because he started telling me that I needed to forgive my mother and using the bible to make me feel guilty. I broke up with him. She continued to invite him to family gatherings and wanted me to be with him. She also did this with my child hood friends. I am so glad to be free of this.

  7. My mother would sabatage me this way, too. She even hit on and said bad things about me to my boyfriend's. Told people she would tell them about some event or party or financial resources for travel or education then not tell me. Told people I was sick and unable to see them etc. No one would come around after a while. She isolated me and humiliated me constantly and was even physically violent.

  8. My mother's mother had my uncle basically still living with her until the bitter end. My mother has done the same thing with one of her sons, and now he basically lives with her into his 30s. My mother is as sweet as candy to strangers or visitors and once she's out of earshot she can drop that mask in one second and become bitch she actually is.

    I can fill a book with all of my mother's NPD tactics. When I hit adulthood she changed gears and started giving me the nice act with covert tactics. I moved out of the country 15 years ago but she still tries to work on me via email – her life always falling apart every 6 months like clockwork, and I'm always her last hope to keep her off the streets. The guilt trips are fascinating to read; totally demented. It would be funny if it didn't stress me out so much. Been in no contact for 7 months now, and the sky hasn't fallen. Best decision I've ever made with her.

  9. Creepy stuff here, but very true.  Thank you for this video.

  10. Oh … James… Ur mom…. What a fruit loop… You have had to endure all this crazy batshit… I'm so so sorry

  11. Thanks for sharing…..

  12. HI James,
    Great video. I am dealing with a smear campaign by my late NF. It's been three and a half years since he kicked the bucket, and I'm still finding more smear stuff. He apparently went to the bank and told the tellers to beware my temper. What temper? Well, yes, maybe I'd have gotten mad to find out he was writing checks to his second cousins back there while I was half-way around the world (where I didn't even know I had to defend myself) cutting my asthma meds in half in order to feed my family. Hell, yeah, I would get mad! He also set me up by telling everyone in the family about my "not keeping any job I've had since high school." Education is actually fuller of office politics BS than any other field, I found out after 30 years in the biz.

    I'm looking to gather enough information to get the courts and estate law to sit up and pay attention to NPD. Have found a few of Sam Vaknin's vids about sadism and abuse by proxy that I hope will help. If anyone has a good book by good bona fide expert, please let me know about it. We're going to stop the pain and suffering inflicted by these twisted NPDs long after they're dead! Thanks for your help!

  13. Never trust a low-life Narcissist and their smear campaign.

  14. how did you survive 18 years with this woman!!

  15. Why, yes, my mother's a hoarder as well.  And the snooping — and then gossipy back-stabbing — of me to my friends and acquaintances.  She once booked an appointment with a physician I worked with because she wanted to check him out — and trash me to him.  (He and I were enjoying a mild, mutual flirtation.  Thankfully it didn't work-out: both of our mothers are narcs.  I shudder to this day thinking about what that would have been like long-term….)  I've never introduced any boyfriends to her — I knew it spelled doom.

  16. Stripping you of your allies is what they do. Only solution is getting away from them.

  17. Wow! James, I'm sorry that was your childhood and early adult years. I think it's hard enough to deal with as an adult and a mate. I can tell you one thing though, you are not dumb, actually, quite the opposite. Thanks for your videos.

  18. Wow. Sounds exactly like my mother. Especially considering relationships and friendships I've had been sabotaged by them thinking "I don't see how anyone could have a bad relationship with M, she's so nice!"