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21 thoughts on “Narcissist’s Demand of Attention

  1. Helpful and enlightening presentation. Good presentation.

  2. People like this guy would be better locked up behind bars. Extremely dangerous. He is projecting his "false self" in this video. Creepy.

  3. Thank you for your book. I read it 2005. I have not talked to my narc dad for 8 years.
    Again thank you ! Next is narc mom. Hey I got the Double Dungeon !

  4. Sam – I have been obsessed with watching your videos very day – I was connected to your videos by Melanie Tonia Evan's forum which is for NAD. Between her written information and your videos explaining every little piece and part of a Narcissist's mind… I have literally turned the corner from being a victim and so sad and victimized to an all of a sudden understanding that I wasn't "the bad one" or "the crazy one" or "the one with all the issues" like he had been making me out to be and I was starting to believe. I understand now that he was one sick S.O.B and literally abused me for 7 years. I'm now going thru the "understanding phase" – no longer grieving and so confused as to how could someone be so mean… but now grieving "what the heck was wrong with me….Why did I allow someone to treat me this way and for 7 years!!!" I also have recently learned that answer as well.. It turns out, my mother was narcissistic and father was passive and abusive, so I had it from both ends and I found "comfort" in my narcissistic husband because it felt "subconsciously familiar" to me. I just want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all your videos!!!

  5. I still struggle to decide if my father is a narcissist or sociopath. Some examples are if you knock on his door, he will shout come in and not even get up to greet you. Sometimes he says 'what do you want'. He never offers you a drink and watches television and ignores you. His friends tell me that he treats them better than he treats me. I know this already and that is why I no longer see him. He took his second wife to the theatre and she told me she would love a brochure. He bought the brochure and when she asked where it was the next day he said to her 'its for my daughter, not you'. He said it just to hurt her and when he told me about it, he was laughing, so happy. She was obviously upset. I was angry that he had dragged me into it somehow and I told him he was disgusting and stick the brochure where the sun doesnt shine. Then he took her out to lunch and was looking out of the restaurant window and kept on saying 'oh look at that woman over there, just look' and my step mother could not see her but he went on 'I do like a smart woman who knows how to dress and look after herself' blah blah. Anyway, my step mother is smart and attractive and was so upset. He was so pleased with himself and bragged about what he had said to her and how upset she was. Complete pig. They are divorced now. No surprise.

  6. So if you have no attention for them through like or fear what happens, abandonment serves them too?

  7. hard to believe sam is a narcissist he is highly intelligent, articulate and far seeing and seemingly sympathetic to the victims and seems to show a real wish to help the victims to escape and become whole and grounded. Its confusing.

  8. Im in a verge of divorce i should have seen this way to long ago ……thanks i accepted things much easier now with this tool sand insight

  9. Sometimes this is so difficult for me to wrap my head around. To understand what it is you or others are trying to say N do. I just don't get it. Somethings, sure I completely understand but other things s out it are beyond my understanding. It is so confusing.

  10. Excellent point. I have a narcissistic father who I keep at a distance, but he still resorts to attempts to throw me off balance and create a conflict. He would rather get any kind of response than no response at all. He will not be ignored. If he can annoy you, he will be content. If he can get you to feel just a little bit sorry for him, he's content. The monster simply craves to push other people's buttons and gets a kick out of it. Spit on him and he'll love it. He'll not only get a response, but a spring board to make you feel bad about yourself for treating him that way. I've been through it so many times that I'm pretty much immune to it. But it's the realisation that your own father is this twisted figure who will probably insult you with his last breath while on his death bed…

  11. Interesting how you mention attention +"Supply" I see that true narcissists are drawn to youtube for "attention" or "narcissist supply"  from making videos as "an expert" or authority of some kind ,even if its,"dating experts" to "money experts it all the same.
    Im sure all this behavior must stem from childhood abuse from a mom or dad or other family telling them they are worthless to the point they believe they are that they act out with anger and even sexual conquest to prove they are worth something or just start a cult,all for attention "filling the void or pain in their souls".Not sure if I should feel sad for these folks or just look at them as damaged people though?either way they are just sick people.stay away from them at all costs once you recognize this behavior.
    RUN,dont walk away.

  12. Thanks, as always, for your wonderful knowledge about the narcissist.

  13. Have been watching these for 2 days. Amazing what I've learned!!! Haven't even gotten close to seeing them all…..

  14. That's a great piece of insight.

  15. I've heard this before! It's true!

  16. Then wouldn't it make sense to give the narcissist his attention when he is being likable etc, and to punish him when he is being undesirable (lying, etc.)? Seems that is what the Narcissist ideal partner would do.

  17. Hello, I'm steven and i'm 16. I have a father who matched almost everything you have described yourself as. He sought out women who were wealthy and convinced them that he was the word of god and then used them for their money. This year i convinced my mother that he was lying and he tried to kill me. There is a very small character limit but i wish to speak with you very greatly. I'm going to spam your videos in hopes of getting your attention.
    Please email me at

  18. It sounds like the narcissist is an overgrown child.

  19. So true, those people are so frustrating and exasperating to be around sucking up all the oxygen in the room.

  20. Thank you Sam. I appreciate the information you provide … 🙂

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