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34 thoughts on “Why You Attract Narcissists!

  1. I was so tired of hearing about her, (or rather my sister hammering it in), that I visited Konevita Jelken’s website. I think a feel a bit bad now, because she was right…, after a few weeks I’m happily dating someone consistently again!

  2. Dear Dr. Sam You need an editor. Naive IN Trusting? Naive AND trusting…Geeze…

  3. you are absolutely right

  4. Aren't the majority of western women NARCISSISTS then ? The original story of Narcissus falling in love with the reflection … how much time a day does the average woman spend painting her eyes black (mascara and eye liner ~ the windows to the soul) … her lips wet and red … blood red … like all carnivores show after the feed/hunt … her face with foundation and any complexion 'enhancer' … painting her glued on plastic finger and toe nails (usually blood red … as it is with all predatory claws in nature) … dyeing her hair an un~natural colour and having the shape of it changed (either straightened or curled/waved). ALL of those behaviors are to sexual entice the public … most western women are constantly advertising their wet lips and shiny wet hair … wearing all the jewelry to make themselves look shinier than they really are … geometry of their clothing … the angles of the fabrics etc … to draw attention to their breasts and legs. Same with the shoes and heels. And they do all that IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. They very rarely ever dress up at home for their husbands or partners. But if they go to a bar or restaurant, where there are usually many men out to get drunk and drugged and get some sex … then most western women seem to massively amplify their narcissistic behaviors for every man EXCEPT their partners.

    Other typical traits of the narcissist are to DENY or IGNORE when their behavior is called out, or to turn blame on the person mentioning it, or try and bring the other person down without acknowledging their OWN behaviors.

    If you have ever heard a woman say how much she 'loves' dancing … ask yourself if she ever does it at home. Usually, what narcissistic women mean by 'I love dancing' … is they love to move their bodies in sexually suggestive ways in public situations where doing so gets them lots of sexual attention from men who are strangers … and the following come ons … resources they might get etc etc,

    A narcissist does not care for the feelings of others. Mmmmmm. Is that why you so often see women high fiving each other about how hot and sexy their new leather bags and shoes are … and how the other women in their group feel envy and jealousy about those things … even though other mammals had their throats slit and were brutally murdered and skinned in order to acquire that leather ? Or their 'sexy' leather lounge … which they get big crocodile smiles for when they tell guests in their home how awesome that lounge is ?

    OR is it the big pearly smile they give while they toast their chardonnays or champagnes over their lamb cutlets. God knows why they drink the booze at all. You would think eating the flesh and drinking the blood was fuel enough for the witches.

    Ever wondered why a certain type of fashion … typified by the Kardashian witches .. is so commonly mimicked by western women … and is called the 'VAMP' look ? As in VAMPIRE ?

    I think you will find that the deeper you heal … and more aware of your self you become … and as we become aware of our own narcissistic behaviors and work to eliminate them, that we discover whole new levels of narcissism which were hardly ever even discussed before … let alone publicly acknowledged … let alone dealt with and changed.

    Maybe narcissists are attracted to people who are a little more aware in the way that a child is attracted to a parent. It's a cry for help and education. A little like a parasite, which is what all babies are, by definition … feeding on the host.

  5. Interesting…the traits you describe as victims of narcissists are the very qualities that are attributed to women.

  6. why did he discribe narcissist as a he.

  7. I am all those things. It explain a lot! :(

  8. Great video — simple, clear and REALLY TRUE!!!

  9. I can't thank you enough for this video. This is empowering.

  10. This was very helpful. You could probably make this a guide for parents who want to create a narcissist child. My husband told me this for years, and now it's too late for one of our children. My grandparents raised me, and I never understood how two such good, kind people, as they were, raised my mother and aunt to be such horrible and selfish people. I now have a 30 year old daughter, with whom I fear for my wellbeing, and am in the process of creating a living will that specifically bans her from being my caretaker, because I raised one too. I know that I have been a terrible enabler and am very sorry for it…

  11. thanks doc wonderfull vid

  12. What if your mom was a narcissist?….In addition, that moment when you fit into all of those categories and have those characteristics…quite scary actually :/

  13. A good help to all narcs, as i cringe to say it, guys don't diverge your attention everywhere, where you chemically internally isolate yourself into the unreal. Even if you're oppressed in sadness to family relations and developed sensitive hearing eat zinc and avoid copper. You can't maybe trust people, but you sure live in concepts of unrealistic exchange values with the world architectural rule to survive. You contemplate your body away you'd be so messed up, you wouldn't teach people anything. Now back to work slaves do your evil. Smelling pheromones and burnt chicken. Copying the mannerisms of abused reality. WAKE UP, look, you don't have to waste your time, if you were born in a limited abused family.. There's a personal greatness to all events, don't suffer for social validation. I hope this brought you love from a twisted mind. LOVE IS THE ANSWER YOU JUST THINK HOW. Hang your parents and i wouldn't hear you, but it is you who'll regret everything, so be you with justice, and don't let corrupt individuals turn you corrupt. This streams from childhood. Don't let submit to evil people. Evils weakness is the died out good.

  14. I'm a level 9 narcissist because i love with fragility and scare. – ENFJ 2% of the population, will try to unite everyone together, but this video is a gold mine. 🙂 Shiet i'm the ultimate target for narcissists, but i would meet them, depending on their perspective, damage, faults, insecurities. Let's be realistic people may be delusional, confused, and in-need. The reality is not a subdued nature of what happens and won't. Reality is the present and the future of tomorrow. Society has issues being emotional. But the biggest issue, is narcissists might be olfactory people, however some can join their side. Some perspectives guys are valid. And some people live in contempt in delusions to their actual desires, wants purpose to inflict change in life. Some narcissists will make your life a blessing, but most are insane. Most use it for security. People seem all in for themselves. Illogically not being able to balance a critical life of choices, for logic. We forget how we all could fuck ourselves, simply with one curious thought. We judge others in accordance to our desires, if some narcissist was functional and rewarding to us, we'd love him, we'd love a pile of shit, if it brought pleasure, money, purpose and it would feel good. Guys please, narcissists are tried people, but so are we. They must read this, being unlucky, and follow the code, to stop evil doings, and individualized ego maniacs. – Spread The Love <3 🙂

    "Insanity is like a never ending beat, a music no one hears" – Michael Tkachuk, spread my quote love writing quotes. 🙂 c:
    It toys like a music box at night seeing if you're naughty or evil little fellow people. Turbalance and breaking chains, chivalry and all horror forward, no seriously, it's the contempt of emotions and developed literary writers."
    Save the time with a gun what comes to your mind? – that's just the beginning of a book of deep relations. We think deeply because of our own sensations within boundaries that are invisible. Mentally disfigured over time. A talent in a pool of bloody audience, clapping not with their own limbs. Ah yes just a vision, now back to everyday life. After getting those bullies approval. Don't forget to throw a cat in the laundry i read once about a professor he goes daily to teach in school. That hair on your tuxedo sir must be cat barbecue fresh, can this knife make you drool. A story so cool and dramatic your evil opinion rules. Go back to school, because you're a system in a tool ore religious goy abdul. Christian conservative barbecues. Satan would want the illuminati to join the bond fire within, tbh evil shouldn't be made out of flesh.

    I have a talent for simulation of what crazy people would do, yet it's interesting, and i'm pretty normal, it's just the internet. ;)

  15. Dr Sam,
    you are right. thanks.

  16. There are plenty of people out there who may not respect, they may even hate you, but guess what?  They do not want you to leave them.  You should be saying, WTF?!  Maybe the victim should be running as fast and as far as you can, if you are in a position to do so.  They will mug and rob you of your self esteem.

  17. I'm all of the points apart from the boundaries, I know when enough is enough.
    I'm always trying to be nice, I tried to make my ex/partner happy, I let him live with me then he went back home and treats me like shit. He said he doesn't want to support me whilst I'm out of work yet I supported him, always. I had PTSD, he even told me outright he doesn't care and has no energy for me… That's another type of selfish bastard to look out for.

  18. So in order to protect yourself you must be a POS human being like the narcissist.

  19. Fell for a narcissist. Lasted 3 months. I realized it after I broke up with him when I started watching videos like yours on you tube. You described me so well. Thank you!

  20. Very good analysis, thank you so much!!!!

  21. that exactly what i was like up till recently when id had to much abuse i just went quiet but she came to my door acting like shed done nothing wrong to me i have Asperger and i dont no how to make friends easily and she new this and tryed to stop me from having friends kept saying i owed her becus of how wonderful she was. i have problems and she was pushing me to my limit i almost had a aspi breakdown becus of her when i stood up for myself she couldn't handal it and walked out i swore at her and she unfriended me on fb and i blocked her and her number from my phone im hoping she will never come back but she will try when she becomes homeless but no one likes her so they wont help her find me and if she did find me ill ring the 9's sturat away she has abused me for 2 12 years and well iv been around them from day one so they can see how vonrbal i am and hurt me in the same way as the people be for them.

  22. You are so right! I realized that I had much work to do on me and that even if narcissists are wrong and that I could never agree with their behavior, they also are traumatized people that I absolutely have to protect myself from.

  23. Thanks for this video.

    I've had a distinct pattern of being attracted to charismatic charmers who, it turns out, just want me to be their audience, saying yes to them all the time.

    They start off interested in me, then realise they can easily have their way so they become more and more 'ME ME ME' while I shrink back and retreat. They lose respect for me, and I feel pathetic.

    I've had to look closely at my own behaviour and boundaries to see why I let this dynamic persist. I relate to a lot of the characteristics you describe. I can also be quite a fearful and compliant person.

    Now I rely more on my instinct. I'm finding love inside myself, filling my headspace with beauty. I want to share that beauty with the world. There are a lot of us who need it.

  24. Wow!..I never seen any vids point this out, thx!!..thinking back, this was me. Thx to you Dr. I won't be that dog that ran out to the street to get hit a second time.

  25. blame the victim mentality here.

  26. Wow those re the type of personalities i want my lover to have when i grow up. Kind & do anything for you ;u;

  27. How do you balance healthy boundaries and such with being graceful about it all… I find that when I am not interested in someone they just don't get it until I say something quite mean…

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