The Danger of Malignant Narcissist pulling a #Snowjob on clueless Therapist

The Danger of Malignant Narcissist pulling a #Snowjob on clueless Therapist

The Narcissist is now pulling the wool over a therapist’s eyes and after his latest snow job has become more dangerous and leveled up to being a scarier narcissist. A better gaslighter. A more sinister fiend. Of course he did not tell me this. I’ve spent the year quietly and swiftly avoiding the slings and arrows of the outrageous narcissist ex. He has spent a great amount of energy on unveiled threats and outrageous insults and becomes furious when I don’t shudder and or break down in tears. He has…

An Educated Empath Is A Narcissist & Sociopath’s Worst Nightmare

An Educated Empath Is A Narcissist & Sociopath’s Worst Nightmare

An ‘Educated Target’ is a narcissist’s worst nightmare because targets are grounded in reality and narcissists are not grounded in reality. Therefore, if the target … source Recent search terms:educated hsp are a covert narcs worst nightmare